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1 Replies and 1624 Views capture argo and Chamsys PC on same Mac Computer
1624 1 - Started by Anthony Kordyjaka, last post from John
I have done this in the past but can't get it to work anymore. I have Mac Running Capture Argo and Chamsys PC. Am connected to wireless network but can't get the two of them to communicate. Can someone please help as I would like to finish a couple renderings. Thanks

3 Replies and 2806 Views Zooming Issues
2806 3 - Started by Mike Wood, last post from Lars Wernlund
I keep running into problems with zooming. I've been working in the file for an hour with no problems, moving around, changing views, etc... but now in my live perspective view, I can only zoom in or out in what seems like centimeters (to scale) at a time. I can still orbit no problem. Holding shift to move my camera also is painfully slow (if it's even working at all.) The CAD views have no problems, just the live perspective. Live orthogonal is fine. Running Capture Argo on Mac Yosemite 10.10....

3 Replies and 2478 Views stutter/lag
2478 3 - Started by newillumination, last post from Lars Wernlund
Ive recently discovered a small stutter that occurs once in a while. Im running TITAN mobile into Cap Argo, and all seems to run fine. But once in a while Ill get a stutter, and a lag of 1/2 sec on my lights. This will last for a few seconds , then all will return to norma.Ive found this only happens when I make my Live screen full size, and only happens in perspective mode not orthographic. Im running windows 8.1 on a NVIDIA GC 760M

0 Replies and 1918 Views Updated Nvidia Web Driver
1918 0 - Started by John, last post from 2015-08-02 00:38
Updated Nvidia Web Driver to 346.02.02f03 and now the Simulator View Settings is not displaying correctly. Anyone else have same problem

1 Replies and 1759 Views Robe CYC FX8 no visual effects
1759 1 - Started by Emi, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi I am using a fixtures from Robe on my project and found that there ano no effects working on these fixtures when running show on the Capture latest version. Can you please take a look a it as i wish to be able to see the effects that those fixtures have. Also when I fire the fader with any effects recorded the Capture seems to slow down. P.S running a Capture on my Macbook pro 13in late 2011 with HD Intel Graphics 3000 512MB and the performance is very poor, if I run small number of fi...

2 Replies and 2084 Views Seachanger
2084 2 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Deleted User
I’m working in a project with Seachanger ( installed on ETC S4. I can’t find the item in Capture's Library. Any idea

3 Replies and 2477 Views Licensing
2477 3 - Started by PeterD, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi there, I recently bought a copy but I can't seem to get the licence to work. I've created a licence key- file but i can't install it... I click the install button and select the key file but nothing seems to happen after that! Have tried contacting capture them selves and no luck. Anyone else have any ideas Thanks Peter

4 Replies and 2616 Views Capture Argo crashing
2616 4 - Started by Alex Hautamäki, last post from Alex Hautamäki
When I open any show file and start to make some position with moving heads. It works normally a couple minutes but suddenly it starts lagging. When I change some lamp position the head is turning but the light stay still. Then menus work but there isn't any text inside. After a while it crash completely and quit. The same problem has been approximately one month. Computer: Apple Macbook Pro OSX Yosemite Capture Argo 21.1.5 Solo edition

1 Replies and 1669 Views ColorBlaze Intensity
1669 1 - Started by Mike Wood, last post from martinp
My colorblaze 72 strips don't seem to have an intensity control slider, only color selector. Why's that

1 Replies and 1767 Views Movers
1767 1 - Started by Wlodek Duval, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi, Is it possible to use 3 movers with one circle truss to get truss in different angles rgds wlodek
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