3 Replies and 3262 Views
Console connectivity to capture
3262 3 - Started by Patch, last post from Lars Wernlund
Since the new updates from capture 11 onwards i can not get my console to connect to the software. i have to keep reverting back to the 10 version and it works fine.
No changes have been made its all the same can i get some advise please.
8 Replies and 6387 Views
No light output unless i load new fixtures in?
6387 8 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Hebbe
I am running latest capture with latest drivers for gpu ect, and hog pc.
I have a show i am programing and have just loaded it again but for some reason no fixtures output any light or move at all, even tho they are all patched correctly. If i add a new fixture not of the same make or model and patch it into my console, it works fine. if i start a new show and add my lights again, they still dont work. the fixtures that arnt working are martin mac 101 and cp sharpy.. also atomic strobes and ...
1 Replies and 3003 Views
Capture, MagicQ & Robe
3003 1 - Started by nigelj, last post from Lars Wernlund
Happy New Year!I have an issue with the latest version of Capture (on Mac) and MagicQ ( and - on PC - same in VMWare and other computer)...I don't know if the issue is Capture or Magicq, or my setup...I just cannot get Robe Pointe's (in mode 1) and Robe 300LED wash's (in mode 2) to respond correctly in Capture. Most times I startup the Pointe's are in the home position with 100 intensity and red colour, but in MagicQ the output for those heads is 0! I want to get older versions ...
1 Replies and 2723 Views
camera control on chamsys zoom not working
2723 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
hi , i have just set up camera control via dmx on capture via my chamsys desk , but the zoom seems not to be working . capture is seeing the dmx from chamsys for zoom control via the incoming universe page but the camera does not move , yet all other features work, any ideas
9 Replies and 6908 Views
Pb With MANet2
6908 9 - Started by Pascalv, last post from Pascalv
I can start MAnet2 protocol in the dmx/Universe page, but no MANet2 universe appear in the list as it was before.
How can i patch MANet2 Universe on capture universe
1 Replies and 2683 Views
Mac / Win project files not compatible? Camera reset
2683 1 - Started by Andreas, last post from Andreas
Hi there,
created a Project on my Macbook. Now I would like to edit it on my PC, but I can´t select any item inside there. I can move around etc, but can´t move items. I think it´s a bug....
Is there a way to reset cameras My Beta View is totaly black in any mode I select...
Have a nice Christmas!
8 Replies and 7172 Views
Video Projector Problems
7172 8 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi Guys,
i just tried to use a video Projector by projecting on a white box. I applied these tips from the video tutorial and also from the manual but it's not working. If I turn the light on from the projector I see the white box goes brighter. The movie I chose is also playing in the Media Tap, but not on the Projector. Do you have any idea
6 Replies and 6227 Views
readable plot
6227 6 - Started by youtux, last post from youtux
i can't configure correctly my plot to read unit and symbol correctly...are you improve this function
see my attachement
2 Replies and 1698 Views
2.11.19 crash on exit
1698 2 - Started by nigelj, last post from nigelj
Hi,I just upgraded from 2.10.21 to 2.11.19. The crash on exit error that I've had ever since upgrading to 2.10.x (and was reported last year) is still there I'm unhappy to report. I'm running OSX 10.6.8.I'll email a text file with the crash report now.Any info/suggestions will be gratefully received as this is really annoying.Nige