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1 Replies and 153 Views MVR export impossible
153 1 - Started by Victor Perrin, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, Since the latest release, when I try to export a MVR file, the soft export a DWG format. Regards, Victor

1 Replies and 188 Views How to add Stairville MBM40D to a project?
188 1 - Started by Rainschn, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I tried to add the DMX Motor Stairville MBM40D from the library to my projects. But even in the Plot View it can&39;t be added. But why doesn&39;t this work

1 Replies and 197 Views Special keywords do not work in reports
197 1 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Special keywords do not work in Reports. You can add text in the text field, but if you want to add special keywords, the code is inserted as is. Inserting: $(DrawingVersion) for instance does not work.

1 Replies and 203 Views scheda video
203 1 - Started by Francesco Ferrigno, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Buonasera, capture riscontra un problema con la scheda video del mio PC ACER aspire VX 15 con scheda video NVIDIA GEFORCE CTX 1050 Ho aggiornato tutti i driver della scheda, ho fatto ripristino come da fabbrica del laptop, il sistema operativo indica che le schede video NVidia GeForce e scheda grafica HD Intel sono in buono stato. Qualcuno ha avuto il mio stesso problema  grazie

1 Replies and 213 Views Fixtures changing address
213 1 - Started by Ldburke87, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello, I&39;m trying to figure out why my console and Capture keep changing the address of two fixtures in my show. Every time I try to repatch them on my console, the go to "unpatched" in Capture, but when I try to fix the issue on Capture by manually typing the address, my console changes the universe. I have attempted to do new shows, but nothing seems to be working.

1 Replies and 275 Views Wacom Tablet Two Finger Scroll Issue
275 1 - Started by Adrian Turpin, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I am using Capture on a Mac Book Pro with Mac OS Monterey 12.5.1 I use a Wacom tablet, an Intuos Pro M. The touch gestures are set as normal including two finger scroll which works normally in other applications. However in Capture, the two finger scroll action produces only a zoom (tracking the camera in and out) rather than tracking sideways as it does on the Mac&39;s own trackpad. This is in any of the wireframe, plot or live views. In the Project view the two finger scroll does however wo...

0 Replies and 174 Views Measurements not included in scenes
174 0 - Started by Andrej Lavrinovic, last post from 2024-02-05 12:47
Although in properties of distance measurement "include in scenes" is checked, it&39;s not moving  when scenes changing. Stored in scene couple of times. no effect. Capture 2023 symphony.

1 Replies and 263 Views 3dConnexion space mouse buttons
263 1 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
The 3DConnexion Space Mouse is a very nice companion for Capture. I have noticed a strange issue though, where on our Windows installation of Capture 2022 the space mouse buttons are assignable in the 3dConnexion settings app (I like to use them as CTRL/CMD1 and CTRL/CMD2 to toggle between views when I am navigating). On Windows this works as expected. On OSX the buttons do something, but although I can change the behaviour in settings, the real world behaviour is not changing. I als...

4 Replies and 359 Views GrandMa3 onPC - Viz-Key Connection
359 4 - Started by Yves Eschke, last post from RS 485
Hi, I use GrandMa3 Cammondwing onPC Capture 2022 in my studio without any propblems. Now i have a new GrandMA3 viz-key and want to use it for giving parameters from onPC to Capture on same computer. BUT IT IS NOT WORKING. I need Help ... I know i need IP ... i know have to hold the direction 1. plug viz-key, then start capture, then GrandMA3 on pc .... I know i start seission. In Network setting of GrandMa3 i see som times the capture vizkey ... but the ip is ...

1 Replies and 119 Views Each fixture making a group
119 1 - Started by Colin Bone, last post from Colin Bone
I&39;m confused patching a show into chamsys. I have nearly 4 complete universes of fixtures but one specific model, when I grab the patch in chamsys from capture, one head type is created in chamsys as one group per head where all others are creating one group per fixture type.   I have tried repeating the same thing in an empty capture project of just four heads of this type and four others and it does the same thing. Could it be the fixture profile or a setting I have missed ...
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