0 Replies and 172 Views
Plot annotation overlap when rotating fixtures
172 0 - Started by RBLicht, last post from 2024-03-05 17:54
I&39;ve noticed a small but annoying issue in Capture 2024. I have my stage fixtures rotated 180 degrees to reflect their real hanging position, and the plot symbols are "upside down" as they should be. The problem is that after upgrading to 2024, the "Focus" plot annotation seems to rotate along, while the "Patch" annotation stays in the same place. Because of this, the Focus annotation gets hidden under the Patch annotation.
I can fix this by manually adjustin...
2 Replies and 189 Views
Gobo Rotation
189 2 - Started by Lichtmicha, last post from Andy
Hallo, bei dem Ayrton Mistral S stimmt die Rotationsgeschwindigkeit der Console (MA2) nicht mit der visualisierten in Capture 2023 überein. Kann man dies irgendwo einstellen, oder muss das Fixture überarbeitet werden
Vielen Dank - Micha
1 Replies and 144 Views
Missing Universes
144 1 - Started by Alastair West, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi After updating Capture to the latest release today I had an issue concretion our ETC EOS series desk. Capture was only seeing even number DMX Universe. So no universe 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, etc.. these were patched and showing live data on the system gateways.
I tried using the installer to repair the install as well as different capture and desk files but still the same think. This persisted after a full system restart.
1 Replies and 145 Views
Intermittent Universe Drops
145 1 - Started by Saul Richardson, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all,
Just been running a visualisation session here and had a strange thing happen.
During the session random sACN universes would drop. But would come straight back with a reboot of Capture.
Capture 2023
Mac Studio M2 Ultra
Lighting Visualisation
1 Replies and 202 Views
Special keywords do not work in reports
202 1 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Special keywords do not work in Reports. You can add text in the text field, but if you want to add special keywords, the code is inserted as is. Inserting:
for instance does not work.
1 Replies and 208 Views
scheda video
208 1 - Started by Francesco Ferrigno, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Buonasera, capture riscontra un problema con la scheda video del mio PC
ACER aspire VX 15 con scheda video NVIDIA GEFORCE CTX 1050
Ho aggiornato tutti i driver della scheda, ho fatto ripristino come da fabbrica del laptop, il sistema operativo indica che le schede video NVidia GeForce e scheda grafica HD Intel sono in buono stato.
Qualcuno ha avuto il mio stesso problema
1 Replies and 218 Views
Fixtures changing address
218 1 - Started by Ldburke87, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello, I&39;m trying to figure out why my console and Capture keep changing the address of two fixtures in my show. Every time I try to repatch them on my console, the go to "unpatched" in Capture, but when I try to fix the issue on Capture by manually typing the address, my console changes the universe. I have attempted to do new shows, but nothing seems to be working.