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2 Replies and 2754 Views Truss boxcorners issues
2754 2 - Started by Jonna Hagberg, last post from Jonna Hagberg
I am having a problem with the truss box corners.I've tried Eurotruss, Global Truss and most recently Multitruss and none of them will work. I'm trying to connect 2 pieces of 3 way boxes with a standard 3m truss. This should end up being a total of 4 metres but when the truss parts 'snap' there's a gap on one side. Both 3-way boxes are 0,5m. I've built a box so on the opposite side I have 2pieces of 3 way box corners with a 3m truss and that works perfectly fine. And like I've said I've...

2 Replies and 2762 Views Performance issues
2762 2 - Started by Neon Circus, last post from Neon Circus
Hi Lars, I have designed a lighting show that contains 400 fixtures - I'm currently using Derksen fluorescents while I wait for some custom fixtures from Vangelis. (1 dimming channel, white neons in 3 different lengths - 1m, 1.5m & 2m). I've patched the 400 fixtures to 200 channels. The problem I'm having is just slow performance in live view... the system I'm using is an i7 860 with a GT220, although I have tried on a different system which is an Phenom II 965 with a GTX 260. I'...

3 Replies and 3343 Views Forms vanish!
3343 3 - Started by Jon, last post from Lars Wernlund
I'm running version 2.4.12 When adding a triangle from 'FORMS' its set size is 2m x 2m x 2m. However when I change the size to 10m the triangle on one size it vanishes from the screen. It is no where to be seen. Even if I zoom in and out! But if I change the size metre by metre its fine. Not sure why but as a work around its fine. Also is Capture happy to run on Snow Leopard Jon

3 Replies and 4305 Views Error when starting on the demo
4305 3 - Started by Gemel, last post from Lars Wernlund
For some reason when starting a new project on my demo version on my laptop it immediately becomes unresponsive and then presents me with an error message. Tried alot of things but still can't get it to go any further than a basic start up. Is this a known issue or do i just need to keep trying stuff. I installed it on my main pc and it works fine on there.

1 Replies and 2430 Views connecting to mac
2430 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
i have my ion and macbook pro setup in the studio need help or advice to set them up so i can run capture for training reasons

2 Replies and 4461 Views Capture Polar & MA onPC - on same laptop
4461 2 - Started by Alex - 4KLX, last post from Alex - 4KLX
Hi, is there a way to connect Capture Polar to MA Lighting's onPC (series 1) with both programs running on the same laptop, using dual monitors to view both programs I have a win7 system 64bit. I can get Polar to connect to MA desks and also to another laptop running onPC by networking the two, that is fine. I'm after using both programs to visualize and pre-program while touring when away from the venue in a hotel etc. If you need any other info please let me know.

17 Replies and 16016 Views performance below expectations
16016 17 - Started by desolation
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
, last post from Lars Wernlund
My config: Intel Q6600, clocked at 3Ghz Nvidia 260GTX as main vidcard Nvidia 8800GT for third display 4GB rap Capture installed on Raptor Harddisk Win Vista 64bit 1600x1200 Main display 1920x1080 second display where visualisation is displayed Both displays connected to 260GTX I have a not too complicated scene 3 sixbars as front, 3 sixbars back, 4 250 wash, 2 250 spot, 2 sixbars ACL and 4 Showtek sunstrip arrays Everything works smoothly ... until i use the sunstrip arrays...

1 Replies and 2831 Views Dimming
2831 1 - Started by Bill, last post from Lars Wernlund
I just down loaded the demo version and I'm having trouble getting the fixture to light up. The video shows a 'Control' tab which isn't in the demo. How do I get the fixture to come on Thx

1 Replies and 2846 Views Capture Polar SmartSoft Edition
2846 1 - Started by Bill, last post from Lars Wernlund
Do I understand correctly that the Capture Polar SmartSoft Edition will work the same as the basic edition just won't interface with my ION I'll be able to use it to present concepts to my productors then upgrade later Thx

1 Replies and 3089 Views IPAD
3089 1 - Started by Bill, last post from Lars Wernlund
I originally posted this in the general forum, but it probably goes here. Will Capture Polar basic and Smart Fade run on an IPAD
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