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0 Replies and 2 Views Different People Pics
2 0 - Started by, last post from 2025-03-29 05:54
(Just bought Capture 2024 solo a month ago.   Finally getting it dialed in). Question: Are there more people pics/profiles that can be loaded in Personally, I don&39;t care, but the band saw the visualizer, and a couple of them fixated on the fact that the person in it looks nothing like them.  Female drummer, female sax player.  male guitarist, etc. I&39;ll deal if not, just curious!

5 Replies and 77 Views Fixture will not move
77 5 - Started by Pace, last post from Evina Vasilakopoulou
Hi all !!! I&39;m trying to add a fixture to my design, but instead of, let&39;s say, a source four, it brings me a square that once in the design just won&39;t move. When I try to move it, it goes right back at the centre. It happens to me sometimes. Any idea Thanks a lot ! Pace

1 Replies and 26 Views Size fixture&DMX adress marks
26 1 - Started by Filip, last post from Evina Vasilakopoulou
Hello In this picture RED one is from Capture drawing , BLUE one is import from Autocad  If i print this on A4 even A3 format marks are too small to read. Is there any way to get lager number marks for Fixture and DMX  adress Number in Capture

4 Replies and 110 Views Saving and recalling lighting scenes
110 4 - Started by Benjamin, last post from Evina Vasilakopoulou
Hello everyone,  can I save basic looks or lighting scenes in Capture itself (without a connected lighting console) so that I can call them up again next time and don&39;t have to set everything up again manually  Thanks in advance. Benjamin

2 Replies and 44 Views camera movement
44 2 - Started by Pace, last post from Juan Ozuna
Hi all !!! I&39;m looking for a explicative video of how to make a presentation using camera movements.  There is a short one name: "camera" that is part of the serie: "capture learning" but it is not very detailed. I&39;m looking for a video where I could learn more about that subject. If someone could direct me to one, I would really appreciate. Thanks a lot ! Have a nice day ! Pace

2 Replies and 89 Views Generic fixture
89 2 - Started by Defalg, last post from Defalg
How do i create a generic fixture. Im helping out a curch that bought a bunch of elipsoidial and fresnal type LED fixtures. I need to make an 11 ch RGBAL fixture for the elipsoidial and a 11 channel RGBLA fixture for the fresnal.  Thank you

7 Replies and 245 Views Mouse Scroll Wheel Zoom
245 7 - Started by Juan Ozuna, last post from Niklas Silberfunken
I&39;ve been using capture for some weeks already, and it is a bit frustrating trying to zoom in, as all the other keyboard combinations with the mouse work to move around, but I&39;m not able to use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in, it will just turn the camera angle and have tried all the possible key combinations with that scroll function. I&39;m able to get the zoom to work, doing the pinch gesture on the trackpad, but won&39;t work on my mouse.

0 Replies and 34 Views Patching question
34 0 - Started by Daniel Nicholls, last post from 2025-03-12 20:55
I&39;m probably missing the forest for the trees here but I have a question... I am trying to patch a "bulb wall" where only 9 dimmers are used. The wall is 20 bulbs across and 9 down. Is there a way to build a 3x3 panel with the channels going from 1 > 9 which can be duplicated with those dimmer channels copied as well When I duplicate the bulbs the patch doesn&39;t copy so I have to select each array of 9 in order and then assign the patch that way which will get tiresome...

2 Replies and 157 Views Generic customizable properties
157 2 - Started by Andy, last post from rcr66
Vasilis Ziogas Staff Member Posts:598 2020-03-26 00:49 In standard editions, if you are missing anything from our library or you come across with any fixturing issue, please e-mail and we will help you out. Capture does not support building your own fixtures, but you may use our generic library with many customizable fixture properties. Product Specialist Capture Visualisation AB ...

4 Replies and 137 Views Hang Fixture on Stand
137 4 - Started by galaxyshow, last post from galaxyshow
Hi, Trying to hang a fixture on a Manfrotto Steel Wind-Up Stand (087NW) or Gravity, LS 431 B Can&39;t get the fixture snapping... Is there a way to to that Snapping Fixture along Stand pipe and. on the top of it... Thanks
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