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5 Replies and 423 Views How to get help?
423 5 - Started by Anders Kjems, last post from Floriaan
Hi I recenIy bought the smallest version of capture because I would like to make the switch from WYSIGWYG to capture (mainly because the WYG dongle does not work with the new mac M1 and M2 processors) Therefore I am trying it out, and to some extend that also means trying out the forum/how to get help. I have posted a couple of questions in the forum over the last couple of days but I have not gotten any feedback. It the forum monitored (Hello is anybody out there) I have ...

1 Replies and 221 Views Key Binding Tabs
221 1 - Started by rainer ludwig, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, I would like to use the keys for cut, copy, paste, delete. They are not working. I&39;m using capture on a mac. In the Key Binding Tabs tool these keys can&39;t be edited. What to do Best Rainer

2 Replies and 271 Views Use Media Players on multiple machines
271 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
When I move my Capture file from one machine to another (via Dropbox, so the directory structure stays the same), the movie clips in my Media Players turn red and I have to re-add them to be able to have them play on the projectors. I am using the same file between a Windows machine and a Mac, so technically the directory structure is not exactly the same, but still. Is there a way to package the media file with the Capture files How can I best approach this

4 Replies and 3828 Views Grid in plots
3828 4 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hey,is it possible to enthicken the lines of the grid in the plotview When I print a plot I implement the grid but I don't see it on my print...Thx

1 Replies and 212 Views Plot view reflecting focus.
212 1 - Started by Pace, last post from Floriaan
Hi all !!! Is it possible to make the plot view reflects the way the fixtures are focus... as in the other views. Thanks ! Pace

2 Replies and 226 Views Perspective to parallel projection
226 2 - Started by Pace, last post from Pace
Hi all !!! Newbie here... First question... How do you switch from perspective to parallel projection. In the disign tab under view, i can see all my views in perspective but can not find a way to parallel projection or should i say orthogonal. Thanks for your help Pace from Montreal

2 Replies and 344 Views where are booms ?
344 2 - Started by Pace, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all !!! Can someone indicates me where are booms Can not find them. Thanks ! Have a good day !

1 Replies and 200 Views Reset Gobo Frame
200 1 - Started by stephen, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I make a custom gobo framelist to a spot and then realise i want to cancel this and reset this to the original manaufacturer default gobo wheel. How can i do that

10 Replies and 1737 Views How to best export Vectorworks 2022 -> Capture
1737 10 - Started by sam
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
, last post from Prodco
Hello, I would like to use Capture as a visualizer for plots created in Vectorworks Spotlight 2022 instead of Vision. What is the recommended method MVR or DWG then Data Could anyone point me to some detailed documentation At this points my tests are not even importing the patch data correctly ... Many thanks, sam

7 Replies and 448 Views How to setup Capture Mobile
448 7 - Started by gtejeida, last post from Mike St-Jean
Hello, How do we set up the iPad app to connect with a control console There is no Connectivity setup function in the app. No information in the manual either. Does Capture have to be running on either Mac or Windows Thanks in advance.
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