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3 Replies and 332 Views Snap lights to dance towers
332 3 - Started by Erik Westerlund, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi I can&39;t get the lights to snap to (and associate themselvs to) a dance tower. Is there some workaround for this or am I just missing something as usual.... :-) Many thanks in advance for assistance! /Erik

2 Replies and 234 Views Rotate half hat
234 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
How can I rotate a half top hat without changing the x-rotation of the entire fixture

2 Replies and 289 Views How do I add text to a plot
289 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
How do I add text to a plot. I mean not as a text item in the actual Plot, but in the cad drawing itself. I would like to use this in Cad, because I would like the text to show up in multiple instances of the plan in plots (top view whole venue, top view stage, top view house, section stage, etc.) I would like some annotations to show up in exports I would like to be able to set some recurring symbols apart (like DMX movers), so they are easier to recognize  Right now for exa...

2 Replies and 207 Views Attach separate filters to cycle cels
207 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
How to attach separate filters to each cel of a (ground)cyc. I am using the Altman GC-6.

1 Replies and 236 Views How to add a Alpha View to Video Capture.
236 1 - Started by Roberto, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello How can I view the Alpha or Beta camera on the LED screens it&39;s possible Thank you all

1 Replies and 197 Views Auto Exposure with DMX
197 1 - Started by benjaminauer, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is it possible to allow for auto exposure in the view, even though view parameters are sent via dmx Brightness of the view will be changing, and continously changing the exposure manually makes no sense.

1 Replies and 216 Views Draw snow/rain
216 1 - Started by Jeroen van der Linden, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi there, Is it possible to get snow or rain inside a render

1 Replies and 316 Views Adding customized fixtures to libary
316 1 - Started by silenceofthelights, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi Capture, Would it be possible to add our own fixtures to the libary, and what would be the rightfull steps We already have a 3d model and patchlists from our fixtures. Hope we could make it work! We currently have 3 fixtures of our own, 2 strobos and 1 kind of pixel bar. Thankyou

1 Replies and 210 Views excluding symbols in key
210 1 - Started by Simon@minack, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, Please excuse the lack of searching if this has been asked before. I have a few fixtures that won&39;t be included in my paper plot, how do I stop them being counted in the fixture key Thanks.

1 Replies and 254 Views Export Heat map?
254 1 - Started by Aaron S B Frantzen, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi. I´m wondering if there is a way to export the view of the heat map in some way, or is the only way to do that just plain screen capture  
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