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1 Replies and 326 Views Adding customized fixtures to libary
326 1 - Started by silenceofthelights, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi Capture, Would it be possible to add our own fixtures to the libary, and what would be the rightfull steps We already have a 3d model and patchlists from our fixtures. Hope we could make it work! We currently have 3 fixtures of our own, 2 strobos and 1 kind of pixel bar. Thankyou

1 Replies and 221 Views excluding symbols in key
221 1 - Started by Simon@minack, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, Please excuse the lack of searching if this has been asked before. I have a few fixtures that won&39;t be included in my paper plot, how do I stop them being counted in the fixture key Thanks.

1 Replies and 269 Views Export Heat map?
269 1 - Started by Aaron S B Frantzen, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi. I´m wondering if there is a way to export the view of the heat map in some way, or is the only way to do that just plain screen capture  

1 Replies and 234 Views Gobo rotators and I-Cues
234 1 - Started by Jim Smagata, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Just wondering a few things: Why is the symbol for a gobo rotator like a big tube that gets stuck on the end of a fixture Can an I-Cue be attached to the same fixture as a rotator Will or can there be a accesory available iin the library that will be a more accurate representation of a rotator (we are using Apollo rotators, which are not-yet-in the library) I ask because I work with a lot of community groups that use a source 4 with, actually, up to three accessories: The rotator, an I-Cue...

1 Replies and 3075 Views Christmas Lights
3075 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello!  How do you add Christmas light strands to a design I searched the forums and found a post from 2009 saying they were working on adding bulbs and christmas lights. Have they made that work yet Chris 

2 Replies and 1370 Views How to patch and move camera via MagicQ
1370 2 - Started by Karol, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all, Can somebody explain me how to patch the camera via MagicQ (or maby there is better way) to control it and make a simply project presentation I can easly patch the lighting units and control it via MagicQ but the camera patch is not working or Im doing something wrong Regards, Karol

1 Replies and 2825 Views Rigging points that calculate weight?
2825 1 - Started by Daan, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all, I was wondering something about the rigging point item. Is this item to be used as a way to show the riggers were the rigging points are, or can they be used to calculate the weight on that point in a truss or pipe There is a weight option in the properties tab of the rigging point, but default it is set to zero and you can enter a weight manually. Can you attach a rigging point to a truss or pipe in a way that it shows how much weight there is on that point on a truss Thanks ...

3 Replies and 257 Views Plot
257 3 - Started by tuborg, last post from Floriaan
Hello and good evening my question is how do i print only 1 layer from the project my middle truss covers the lamps on the ground so i want to print these two layers separately can someone help Thanks

1 Replies and 215 Views Add Weights to plot
215 1 - Started by Spotlight AV, last post from Floriaan
Hi  Just started using capture and loving the program so far  I would like to Add the weights of truss lines to my plot view for sedning out to venues  Is this possible  Thanks  Ed 

1 Replies and 289 Views Imported models into the library
289 1 - Started by Vendetta69, last post from Floriaan
Hi, once ive imported a model, how can i use it in other project files Do i have to import it again and again or can i make a custom library for all my imported models Many thanks in advance
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