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0 Replies and 2656 Views MA1 connect
2656 0 - Started by Globalsetup, last post from 2022-07-29 22:58
Hello,  I need to connect a MA1 console to Capture for programming show. Can I connect the console How Artnet Or is it incompatible Thanks

0 Replies and 1265 Views Light
1265 0 - Started by, last post from 2022-07-04 21:20
Hello I have this problem: in live mode I only see the light on the left side (as in the photo - you can also see the position of the smoke). While in the rendering of the image it is right. Can you tell me why PS:smoke is okey (foto) Thank you

0 Replies and 2036 Views Lasers in Capture
2036 0 - Started by LightLab, last post from 2022-06-25 21:41
Hello, There is very little documentation or video on using lasers in Capture. I use Pangolin QuickShow which does not support visualization output (only QuickShow BEYOND does, at an $800 license). I have LPV Player which allows visuals, but I have no way to make or obtain more LPV files. I don&39;t need anything particularly complex, just some basic atmospheric cues that are pretty standard to most software. Can anyone help me get laser vizuals in Capture, or point me to where I could fi...

1 Replies and 1086 Views connect ma2 on pc with capture on macox
1086 1 - Started by trinhtuan, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hello everyone! My name Tuan,im live in vietnam.i had buy symphony capture,but i can&39;t conect ma2 on pc with capture on mac.please can you help me! Best regards! Thank !

1 Replies and 1088 Views Mirror Ball Workaround
1088 1 - Started by CVaughan, last post from Oz Perrenoud
Hey all, So I&39;m aware that mirror balls are sadly not possible in Capture at the moment - but I&39;ve seen a few people talk about their workarounds. Wanted to get a thread going collating people&39;s suggestions... I&39;ve seen some people post about using a sphere form with aluminium material for positioning - I&39;ve been using a Flah Butrym LED Ball Moving Head to recreate the effect of the beams, although it&39;s not the smoothest. What&39;s other people&39;s workarounds...

1 Replies and 255 Views Report by location for truss
255 1 - Started by Luminous, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all, i was wondering if it is posible so sort trusses based on there location.  example: 2 different truss ground supports in the same venue, but different sizes. Report now: Total of both GS. Can i split them With fixtures u can do this by Location. But trusses dont have that box. Greetings, Rob

0 Replies and 375 Views Replace 3D object for LED panel
375 0 - Started by HBonello, last post from 2022-06-06 19:29
Hello, I read the manual and watched the YouTube video about this topic and should work straight forward but I am not being able to accomplish: I have a series of 50x50cm 3D solids that I want to replace with LED panels to form an actual screen instead of just the model imported. I tried the Replace comand and then dragging a suitable LED panel from the library but I keep getting a crossed icon instead of the selection box become purple and the arrow indicating the item. I tried ...

0 Replies and 359 Views Export Fixture Data - To Wysiwyg
359 0 - Started by Guillaume, last post from 2022-05-26 13:37
Does anybody have a good procedure to export fixture data from Catpure and import them corectly into Wysiwyg I want to do my festival season with Capture and export MVR so everybody is happy, but i&39;m pretty sure some guys will ask me for an other solution than MVR... (you know, China, R44... ) I already run some test.  Correlation between Capture positions and Wysiwyg positions seems to work fine with "X right / Y far / Z up". But rotations are a total mess...

2 Replies and 243 Views Make multiple groups appear on Chamsys MagicQ
243 2 - Started by Lucaaa, last post from Lucaaa
Hello o/ How can I make it so that 2 groups that have the same type of fixtures appear separated in Chamsys MagicQ console Right now every head appear in the same group in the console despite being in different groups in Capture. How can I fix this This is what I mean: In the first picture you can see how it currently looks like, both groups inside one in MagicQ and I want to make it so the first box has group one and the second has group 2. How can...

4 Replies and 341 Views Change light color on scene change
341 4 - Started by Lucaaa, last post from Lucaaa
Hello o/ Is there a way to change the color of the same fixture&39;s light & where it&39;s looking at when the scene changes I have with some but it didn&39;t work, I can only change their location. If there is a way, how can I do it or where is there a guide Also, is it posible to play all the scenes (they appear one after each other automatically) to see how is it going Thank you! Lucaaa
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