2 Replies and 560 Views
Custom length diffused pixel strips?
560 2 - Started by Chris Moore, last post from Chris Moore
A lot of my installs use custom pixel work. What's the best approach to represent diffused strips Specifically, I have 80x 4m RGBW strips with 80 pixels each over sACN. Is there a method of doing diffusion in general for things like rear-screen projection
1 Replies and 271 Views
Render texture generator material
271 1 - Started by Alex, last post from Alex
Is it possible to capture texture generators controlled via DMX in movie snapshots Just figured after rendering that my custom drum riser doesn&39;t seem to have been recorded.
1 Replies and 264 Views
Opacity Layer
264 1 - Started by Omar86, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all! Is it possible to lower the opacity of a specific layer Thank you
1 Replies and 367 Views
how to create a custom light?
367 1 - Started by Flavie Lemée, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello, im new to capture, i&39;m trying the software with a particular project of an art installation, so its not for a performance on stage. Im trying to model custum mesurments LED stripes on a structure, but i can figure how. I found the LED stripes generic but i&39;m not sure i can change their dimensions... anyone has a clue with my question
thanks for your help!
3 Replies and 270 Views
Custom Paper Sizes in Plots?
270 3 - Started by supermodified, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is there a way to enter a custom paper size in for a Plot
I recently went through an (excellent) tutorial, but when it came time to layout a plot for export/printing, he referred to clicking on Paper Setup and setting a size of 24"x24". I can&39;t seem to do this. The button says Page Setup, not Paper, and the only size options seem to be those offered by the printers I have installed. When I click "Export to PDF", it seems to take on the aspect ratio of whatever printer...
1 Replies and 307 Views
307 1 - Started by Piotr Żebrowski, last post from Piotr Żebrowski
Could someone explain to me step by step how to connect capture to Grand Ma3 using a viz key
I am using Mac pro Monetery
captute 2021.1.11.
why can&39;t i see MA NET3 plugin in capture connectivity options
thanks for the help
1 Replies and 342 Views
Multiple lamp on the same DMX
342 1 - Started by Yan, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi All,
Sorry to come with a very newbie question, but "the best way to patch multiple lamp on the same DMX adress" is not clear for me.
On Capture i make it working well, as i want and my plot print or view show me exaclty how i need to phisically proceed. As you can see here.
But when i try to import my patch in Onyx, everything is going bad. Multiple fixture cannot share same DMX adress or channel ID... So...
How it&39;s the best way to proceed with this kind of setup ...
3 Replies and 407 Views
How do I connect StageRight 612120 to Capture, via Enttec DMX USB PRO MK2
407 3 - Started by Vahe Jabagchourian, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I want see any response on Capture 2021 from change in dials, knobs, sliders from the Stage Right 612120, DMX 512 contoller, How do I get this working I am connected to the breakout yellow connecto from DMX out from my Stage Right DMX 512 controller, Do I need to connect inputs back to close circuit or not needed Yellow/White Led pattern is flashing on my Enttec Inerface box.
2 Replies and 338 Views
Connect GrandMA3 with Capture using Viz Key
338 2 - Started by Rob Garcia, last post from Rob Garcia
Just got my VIz Key. Have been searcing the web and trying for a few hours to get these things talking.
Can anyone provide the steps needed to get this up and running
GrandMA3 version
Capture version 2021.1.10