3 Replies and 419 Views
How do I connect StageRight 612120 to Capture, via Enttec DMX USB PRO MK2
419 3 - Started by Vahe Jabagchourian, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I want see any response on Capture 2021 from change in dials, knobs, sliders from the Stage Right 612120, DMX 512 contoller, How do I get this working I am connected to the breakout yellow connecto from DMX out from my Stage Right DMX 512 controller, Do I need to connect inputs back to close circuit or not needed Yellow/White Led pattern is flashing on my Enttec Inerface box.
2 Replies and 349 Views
Connect GrandMA3 with Capture using Viz Key
349 2 - Started by Rob Garcia, last post from Rob Garcia
Just got my VIz Key. Have been searcing the web and trying for a few hours to get these things talking.
Can anyone provide the steps needed to get this up and running
GrandMA3 version
Capture version 2021.1.10
3 Replies and 413 Views
Display Foot-Candles
413 3 - Started by Joshua Jackson, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have a room designed and lights placed.
I can see that there is light, but I don&39;t know of a way to see how much light there is.
Does Capture have a function to show the foot-candles, lux, etc... at any given point
3 Replies and 514 Views
Group of objects rotation
514 3 - Started by MIGNON MARTIN, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
often, i need to rotate a group of object, like truss with projector or something and it&39;s a pain for me in lots of case like this one :
Ho to rotate along the X green surface
1 Replies and 371 Views
371 1 - Started by Nealtver, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Helo. I am controlling camera over dmx now. how to rotate it around specific object (or how to assign world center of model around which camera will rotate). Thanks
3 Replies and 541 Views
Imag camscreens
541 3 - Started by Nealtver, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello. Is it possible to add some cameras that i can control, switch between them over dmx and broadcast the image to virtual IMAg screens. Thanx
1 Replies and 721 Views
Fixture editor
721 1 - Started by Chris Moore, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is there a way to adjust things like pan and tilt range and default start/stop angle My lights have an extended tilt range enabled at the fixtures themselves. I don't see any kind of fixture editor or fixture builder. This would be a very valuable tool to have.
1 Replies and 562 Views
Import Model
562 1 - Started by Soren, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi Capture
If I import a model and that model uses many layers and materials.
Is there a way to pack or nest the model info, So the specific model dont fill up in the list
3 Replies and 574 Views
Illuminated sphere
574 3 - Started by Steve Nield, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, I am trying to create a sphere that has a generic omnidirectional lamp inside and glows. I need to be able to have a red texture on the sphere so that under normal lighting conditions the sphere appears red but in the dark the sphere is self-illuminated. I have played around with creating spheres within capture and importing models but with no such luck. Am I missing something or is this not possible in Capture
1 Replies and 645 Views
Building a polygonal stage
645 1 - Started by Klaas Hillmann, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I am currently building a virtual Stage for our theater and the stage is quite crooked, so i would ask for the best way to represent that. do i use the new polygon feature to build floor and ceiling and try to match the walls as best i can do is there a better way what is special about the "stage" section for the models is there an advantage to using them over the polygons
Thx already