0 Replies and 548 Views
Focus Striplights on a round Backdrop
548 0 - Started by thilda, last post from 2021-06-14 02:11
Hello everybody,
i stubled over something the last week.
After i made a round Backdrop, i added some Striplights on the floor.
And a realised to late that every Fixture pointed down.
Here is my acutal question starting.
Is it better to first point one up and copy it
And maybe the angle isn&39;t right after some further building.
Since i arranged them on the Bottom of the round Backdrop, they are no longer easily adjustable via one of the axis angle like i normaly would...
1 Replies and 607 Views
Physical coolour of a fixture
607 1 - Started by Steve Nield, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is there a way to change the physical colour of a fiixture I have the need for white Robe Mega Pointes and can&39;t seem to find a straight forward way of changing them from the usual black.
1 Replies and 640 Views
Vectorworks CAD import
640 1 - Started by Mozer92, last post from Studio6W
Hello everyone,
I have successfully imported a 3D set file. This file has the theatre and the set. The procenium walls and the set have both imported to Capture as 3D renderings. The theatre walls have not. They are extruded 3D walls in Vectorworks with doors, etc. They show up as 2D lines. Any suggestions
4 Replies and 946 Views
Light Intensity doesn't match reality
946 4 - Started by Mozer92, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Recently I programmed a show that used conventional and intelligent lighting. In Capture when I had the lights at full intensity it was so blinding that I couldn&39;t see the 3D models, etc. One example is that I am using a Color Force 72 strip light. In Capture I have it at about 20 intensity to get the look I want. And then when I get to the actual rig I have to then update all my cue intensities to match. Is there a way around this Thank you!
1 Replies and 696 Views
Creating a scrim
696 1 - Started by hedlite56, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have a 23&39; wide triangle truss that has a white fabric scrim on the upstage side to rear project lighting onto.
I having no luck in creating one. I don&39;t see them listed in the many tools available.
Has any one created one and, if so, any tips
0 Replies and 623 Views
Laser visualisation in Mac OS
623 0 - Started by Sadovnikov Nikita, last post from 2021-03-28 00:39
Hi there!
Could you help with laser visualisation on Mac OS Is there any player like "LPV Player" or "XLERATE" but for Mac (this both just on Windows)
Thanks for any advices!
1 Replies and 539 Views
Mover pan/tilt rates
539 1 - Started by William, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi everyone, first time posting. Is there a way to match the rate my moving lights pan and tilt in the visualizer to the rate they actually move
1 Replies and 473 Views
473 1 - Started by dp, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
First time user here and checking the student version before buying...
How does one changes property settings from imperial to metric
Can one import a Cad file (Autodesk)