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1 Replies and 673 Views camera control
673 1 - Started by rainer ludwig, last post from rainer ludwig
Hello, when I control the camera with DMX, it looks like it is the only way to pan the camera from the            0-Position clockwise 360°. For most of the projects the orientation of the plots is from bottom to top , so the camera, facing the stage can only rotate to the right side. It would be great to have the possibiltiy to rotate the camera in both ways 360° clockwise and 360° counterclockwise, or 180° cw and 180°ccw. Same would be also ...

2 Replies and 468 Views Framelists
468 2 - Started by Tom, last post from Tom
Hallo everyone, i created/changed a framelist for a colorwheel of a fixture. I just changed the stock colors with other colors from the library, so what i see on my screen reassembles the real world color much better. Is there a way to export those framelists to a different projekt with the same fixtures

1 Replies and 1018 Views Help! - Rendering large qty of rgb pixels
1018 1 - Started by Strobie, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi. I am working on a project which has a section of set with close to 500 dmx rgb led pixels installed inside it. The pixels are very small (15mm) so i have added them in as the generic rgb pixel. The set piece is 6m high and 3m wide, so there are a lot of pixels over a relitivly large area.  I am struggling to visualize this correctly, as i am getting a halo around the object when i zoom out enough to see the entire thing. also, the LED&39;s seem to "twinkle" ...

3 Replies and 777 Views Improve render performance with camera moves
777 3 - Started by plusone, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I&39;m looking for suggestions to improve render performance (via "Render Movie") on snapshots that contain camera movement.  These renders are currently being exported at >1fps, which seems strange considering these renders also take several hours to complete.  I initially tried to create the snapshots using data from multiple sACN sources -- one source for the camera movement data and one source for the fixture data -- however this seems to produce renders that are effecit...

1 Replies and 584 Views filters to single liight elements on sunstrips
584 1 - Started by Kenneth, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi is it possible to add filters to the individual lamps on a showtec sunstrip. I need it to be destributed so every second -1 has a L201 and every second has L204.  

1 Replies and 784 Views connect to grandma2 on pc
784 1 - Started by abdelwahab, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
hey , anu solution to connect capture 2020 to grandma2 on pc using different laptop .

1 Replies and 665 Views Camera movement
665 1 - Started by Chris Pettersen, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I&39;m trying out the demo before making a purchase, and I can&39;t figure out how to make the camera move in movie renders. Can anyone please make a video tutorial

1 Replies and 603 Views Water Jet Feature
603 1 - Started by LUX2152, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Can someone direct me to a location that shows how to use the Water Jet feature. I have not been able to find anything. Thank you

6 Replies and 2098 Views Tips on how to move a camera via DMX and setting min/max values
2098 6 - Started by FaustoB, last post from Ringen
Hi all, I would like to know if anyone has some tips to share on how to control Capture cameras via DMX. In particular I would like also to know if there&39;s a way to limit to camera range of movement. What I mean is, talking for example about the Z axis, a coarse dmx value of 0 correspond to a Z camera position of about -325m, and a coarse dmx value of 255 correspond to a Z position of about 325m. The same applies to X and Y. I might be missing something, but I found ...

1 Replies and 791 Views Video Control
791 1 - Started by stephen, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I need to play back my light cues according to the video content, synchro with the sound in the video. How to: 1. upload a video and able to play back and hear the sound in capture (without hearing the sound. I do not know the cue point). 2. how to control the start and stop and pause of the video on the fly (without going to the property) I need to make the screen ready,   play the video and then i will be busy triggering cues on the console.
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