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1 Replies and 1106 Views Stretch Prolyte truss!
1106 1 - Started by nigelj, last post from Lars Wernlund
I'm building a theatre in Capture where they have a permanent installation of truss arches following the building structure. It's not truss that can be assembled/disassembled... The angles are odd, and all the joints are welded.I'm using Prolyte Astralite to build these arches as the triangular section dimensions are correct. The problem is that the sections in the theatre aren't standard lengths (as it's been made to fit the building). Is there a way to 'unlock' the truss sections from the libr...

3 Replies and 1555 Views Live mode adjusting orbit size
1555 3 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi all, Will be a quick one I'm sure, but its driving me mad! Does any one know how to change the size of orbit view when you want to move on your project On the old one you had to hold shift while scrolling with your mouse to increase or decrease the orbit size this doesn't work on Atlas Please help Cheers Patch

2 Replies and 1355 Views Can&39;t visualise VDO Sceptron diffuser
1355 2 - Started by mimi012, last post from mimi012
Hello, I've some render to do with few Martin's Sceptron but I cannot visualize any diffuser in the live view: Any idea Thanks in advance. Jeremy

1 Replies and 1350 Views Cloning on curved truss
1350 1 - Started by RSG, last post from Lars Wernlund
How can i clone (or align/ spread evenly) fixtures on curved truss I can get the fixture to rig on the truss and it changes angle as it moves around but im trying to get an acurate 38 degree difference dbetween fixtures

1 Replies and 1458 Views Suggestions on how to put Custom LED tape Tube in Capture 2018
1458 1 - Started by Michael, last post from martinp
I have a bunch of custom made LED RGB tubes mades from RGB LED tape. I'm trying to find a way to put them in Capture 2018 so I can previz with them. I tried to use generic LED tape but it's not long enough without putting several together in Capture and I have 4', 6', and 8' versions of these plus I have 50 tubes to put in my design. Just trying to find a easier way to put then in and make it work.

1 Replies and 1207 Views Generic Fresnel
1207 1 - Started by Hugi, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hello I'm wondering if there is a Generic Fresnel Fixture in Capture. When there is, I didn't find it. I have a plot-view for next week-end and just got 8x Desisty 1kW Fresnel. Or which Fixture do you take for generic Fresnel

0 Replies and 1497 Views Glow Party Visualization
1497 0 - Started by John, last post from 2018-07-24 04:09
Anybody have any tips or tricks for creating a sim of a Glow Party

1 Replies and 1406 Views Backdrop
1406 1 - Started by Hugi, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hello I wanted to add a Backdrop (10m wide and 6m height) Therefore I added a cube (10x6x0.1m). Then I added a texture to it. I made a new texture with an image and set the image size to 10mx6m. When I add it to the wall, the zero point of the image is in the center of the backdrop. That makes an overflow from right to left and bottom to top. So the image is cut. Does anyone know a way to just add one single image to an object

1 Replies and 1346 Views Program Close Cue Expired
1346 1 - Started by Claudio, last post from John S Nichter
Hello, When I close the program with some position of the light in live , after when i re open the program all the position and dimmer and everything are disappear. If i recall the tab snap shot , this one don't do notighing. What can i do Regards Claudio

2 Replies and 1594 Views Clay Paky K20 B-Eye
1594 2 - Started by Sapin, last post from Sapin
Hi there, Is-there a way to the FX effect on a Clay paky Aleda K20 B-Eye on shape mode with Capture I tried to used the 'multiple apartures visualization' option in rendering seting, but I don't visualize any beam Fx effects. DId I miss something Thanks
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