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1 Replies and 1368 Views Program Close Cue Expired
1368 1 - Started by Claudio, last post from John S Nichter
Hello, When I close the program with some position of the light in live , after when i re open the program all the position and dimmer and everything are disappear. If i recall the tab snap shot , this one don't do notighing. What can i do Regards Claudio

2 Replies and 1613 Views Clay Paky K20 B-Eye
1613 2 - Started by Sapin, last post from Sapin
Hi there, Is-there a way to the FX effect on a Clay paky Aleda K20 B-Eye on shape mode with Capture I tried to used the 'multiple apartures visualization' option in rendering seting, but I don't visualize any beam Fx effects. DId I miss something Thanks

2 Replies and 1519 Views Gelling PAR64
1519 2 - Started by Deleted User, last post from martinp
I’ve got to be missing something incredibly obvious, but how do I gel a generic PAR fixture Thanks!

2 Replies and 1621 Views Focussing generics
1621 2 - Started by Gareth Risdale, last post from Gareth Risdale
Does anyone have an easy way to light up generic fixtures in order to focus them Would be good if there was a focus mode for them so they come up at full for setup purposes. Gareth

1 Replies and 1397 Views Scaling imported models
1397 1 - Started by Road Produkties Audiovisueel, last post from Lars Wernlund
I have imported a new model for Prolyte H30V. It's a 25 cm piece with a circle around it. How can I change the size so it it's compatible with the truss in Capture

3 Replies and 1694 Views Fixture Portman P1
1694 3 - Started by René, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hello, I have a question: is there a fixture for a Portman P1 I use Capture Sweden Atlas Solo. Thank you very much! Kind regards, René

2 Replies and 1683 Views 3D model lifting towers
1683 2 - Started by Thix, last post from John
Hi, I was looking for some 3D model for lifting towers. To make complete visual for my customers because now I'am just using a box form. I checked some vendors of lifting towers but did not find 3D files of the lifting towers. Anyone already created something of knows a vendor providing 3D files on their site Regards, Kevin

1 Replies and 1193 Views Single sided walls?
1193 1 - Started by donkidonki, last post from Lars Wernlund
Is there any way to make a surface single sided, so if viewed from behind it becomes transparent This is useful when viewing an object which is in a small space or close to a wall.

1 Replies and 1627 Views How to remove retail demo software?
1627 1 - Started by JoeClark, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, I've actually had my own chromebook for quite a time and never had to do this. However I work tech sales/repairs at the store I work at, unfortunately our store is going out of business and we're selling a lot of displays. This is going to lead to me needing to kill the demo software on these retail demo units in the next week or so. Problem is, my Googlefu is not coming up with a definitive way to do this yet and if I'm not mistaken, I don't believe Powerwash can get rid of it I'd foun...

1 Replies and 1746 Views Daytime view for outdoor stage
1746 1 - Started by Mark Mealy, last post from Lars Wernlund
Is there an easy way to get a daytime view for an outdoor stage setup I thought about adding a bunch of lights overhead and adjusting the atmosphere but wondered if there is a better way. I want to be able to see the overall setup and banners that are added to sell the design to the client and possible advertisers at the event. It's also a daytime event so the lighting isn't important.
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