2 Replies and 1936 Views
Sketch Up Import Files Producing High Contrast Images
1936 2 - Started by Daniel Williams, last post from Marco Vitale
I am importing models from Sketch up that have a texture on the (which is a photo I have taken). They look fine in Sketch up but appear different in Capture Argo. I can't see any settings for the colour when I import these models and I don't want to just add a material to an object because I don't want a square box shape rather an outline of the image. Any ideas
Image is here.... https://photos.google.com/share/AF1Qi...
2 Replies and 2463 Views
Material Library
2463 2 - Started by Marco Vitale, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi all,
I was really excited to play with new Capture Atlas, especially the PBR-Textures, glossy and reflecting materials. So I began to play around with it, unfortunately there is not much to find in the Internet about values of different materials, so i started to build a small material library, which I'd like to share with you. Maybe somebody has a few materials to add, or improve my first steps. ;-)
just download the Showfile here
I hope others w...
5 Replies and 3985 Views
Camera panning as a 1st person perspective
3985 5 - Started by Abbiss, last post from Lars Wernlund
Whenever I move my viewpoint in PAN it seems to be rotating about a point that is 40M away -
Any ideas on how to change this to zero so a pan is a basic rotate (without using the red handle)
1 Replies and 1384 Views
Dimmers in AVO / Fixture in Capture
1384 1 - Started by Patrick, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hope someone have any tips and trix on how to do this.
Have a bunch of LeaderLight StageBeams (6 white LEDs). For ease of use in Avolites I patch them as individual dimmers (1 SB = 6 Dimmers).
However, in Capture I'd like to map the dimmers back to their fixture, to maintain the look and feel. Would that be doable
1 Replies and 1684 Views
LED strips and tubes
1684 1 - Started by MEDIAM, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi everbybody,
Im looking for solution how is possible to show digital LED strip in Capture.
if anyone has any idea or solution
Led strip looks similar like this one - LINK
1 Replies and 1850 Views
Swag in drape
1850 1 - Started by Modern Lights, last post from Vangelis Manolis
looking to make drape be able to swag over things in Capture I know that the drape hangs as a curtain and we can have the waves change but I would like to see the Curtain hang down from a pipe at say 30 feet and at ten feet from the ground it is pulled back by a truss or stage prop to swag like a drape will
and is there a way to take the form and curve it