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3 Replies and 6311 Views Automatic on truss
6311 3 - Started by Pat, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello Lars, If you have a fixture and move this it is red. Now I have a problem because if you move it to close to the truss it turns to magenta sticks and on the truss or changes position etc etc. Can you set this function off and where Regards, Pat

1 Replies and 4497 Views Sphere and materials
4497 1 - Started by Wlodek Duval, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, Is it possible to add materials to sphere regards wd

1 Replies and 4749 Views DXF Import from Vectorworks
4749 1 - Started by MSachs, last post from Lars Wernlund
I am having no luck importing from Vectorworks, no matter what format of DFX I save. I keep getting an error that reads, ' A file access error occurred. More details can be found in the "Session.logquot; file.' I also cannot find this supposed file. I am running on a MacBook Pro OS 10.5.7. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

5 Replies and 10759 Views Just a few questions
10759 5 - Started by sama_ray, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hej, I'm wondering if it is possible to bring two separate CAD files into the same project also, if it is possible to orbit around a selected object in a large scene Many thanks Ray

4 Replies and 8029 Views 3D Connexion in External View
8029 4 - Started by koenv, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi Capture, I use capture now with for a few months wit a 3d connection Pilot navigation mouse. That works mutch faster!!! Bit my 3d connection navigation device dosn't work on external screens with capture. Can you fix that. ThanksKoen ps: there is a foult in the new manual on page 26: The version of capture isn't correct. 1.12 -> 1.20

4 Replies and 6880 Views Some newbie questions
6880 4 - Started by Saitec, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi , I've downloaded the demo of Capture Polar and ETC SmartSoft. I have added a Generic PAR 64. But when I set intensity in SmartSoft to 100 I get a light point on the floor, but not the beam.. how can I make the beam visible And can anybody explain me how to make a show in SmartSoft I made memories, but how can I play them And how play it to music .. I hope anybody can help me Regards,

3 Replies and 6026 Views Media-server
6026 3 - Started by Jacob, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi capture users... i'm new capture user, i just downloaded the demo to try it...and i got 2 questions 1. how do i connect my media-server, i use arkaos 2. how do i use a y-z mover please guide me thruogh Hope to get some help Best regards Jacob

2 Replies and 6701 Views Sphere Lanterns
6701 2 - Started by Tim Plinth, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi,I thought I'd post this to the forum in case someone else is looking to do a similar effect in the future.I am wanting to visualise some fixtures which are large sphere shaped lanterns that are lit with RGB from the inside. How can I roughly visualise this in CaptureI can create a semi-transparent sphere, but finding a fixture to place in side is tricky.Any help would be appreciated.

0 Replies and 6751 Views Lighting custom objects
6751 0 - Started by Vangelis Manolis, last post from 2008-04-05 14:17
Dear all, It is often the case that we need to visualise in capture custom surfaces and in general strange objects. In the actual field by using any of the well known lighting techniques, hidden/back projection/cyclorama/internal and so on, we reach the expected result. Now, when it comes to computer visualisation, where the above expected result needs to be seen, we must not forget to build to that exactly as we did in reality. In other words, it would be best to choose from the captur...

6 Replies and 13062 Views View lighting settings
13062 6 - Started by Paul, last post from steve
What are the best settings for the lighting in the views Ambient lighting Fixture lighting Fixture lighting differentation Atmosphere I presumed that setting the Fixture lighting and Fixture lighting differentation to 100 would give the most accurate results of simulation Whats the actual function definition of the Fixture lighting and differentation fields Currently running 15, 100, 50 and 40 in order if that helps.... Thanks, Paul
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