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1 Replies and 143 Views Rotating objects
143 1 - Started by Pierre Daubigny, last post from Floriaan
Hi ! when rotating objects, especially from different layers, I often face the question : do I need global rotation of the selection or rotation of each of the elements (an option that exists for example in Adobe Illustrator) Eg if I import a dwg file into Capture and wish a side-view of it, I always have to turn the plan in x,y,z axes and move it in order to have it properly aligned on Alpha, Beta and Gamma view. When doing this if I type "90°" in the "Y rotation fiel...

3 Replies and 177 Views Fixture Purpose in Plot?
177 3 - Started by Colin Bone, last post from Floriaan
Semi urgent. Is there a way to automatically have a fixutre purpose label added to plot view Currently just showing universe,address and filter number. (the default I&39;ll guess)

3 Replies and 217 Views Paper solid color on custom symbols
217 3 - Started by Guillaume, last post from Floriaan
Hi, I&39;m trying to do some custom fixtures symbols. But the "solid color" don&39;t apply to them in paper mode. On the standard symbols library, it&39;s working great. Am i missing something

1 Replies and 179 Views DWG import
179 1 - Started by Simon@minack, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, I&39;ve just tried to import a dwg file into capture and it has both plan and section details but when I try and select the sections to leave me just the plan it selects all the layers and I can&39;t find a way to &39;explode&39; them. I&39;ve opened the file in Sketchup and tried to alter things in there but when I import that it has put all in one layer and is only selectable as a whole. Any help Thanks, Simon

2 Replies and 272 Views Plugin version for MA-net3
272 2 - Started by Pedro Ramos, last post from Pedro Ramos
Hi Folks, I still with cap2023, and i try to connect with my MA Compact and i see in connectivity setup the plugin version for MA-Net3 not appers more. What i do wroung However when open the cap2023 apper new version, and go to the direct web page dont have de version 2023.1.10 to download Thanks 

7 Replies and 291 Views Is there a way to see the firmware version or DMX Table a fixture was built using?
291 7 - Started by Fourvel, last post from Erik Docktor
I&39;m very interested in this software. I tried the demo and it&39;s so simple compared to other visualizer that I&39;ve messed with, which I love. The only thing that&39;s preventing me from buying is that I can&39;t find what firmware version or DMX table version a fixture was built with in the fixture library, so I have no way to be sure that my real world fixtures are going to function the same as the fixtures in Capture. If there&39;s a way to see that information then I&39;m sold, ...

1 Replies and 131 Views Generic customizable properties
131 1 - Started by Andy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Vasilis Ziogas Staff Member Posts:598 2020-03-26 00:49 In standard editions, if you are missing anything from our library or you come across with any fixturing issue, please e-mail and we will help you out. Capture does not support building your own fixtures, but you may use our generic library with many customizable fixture properties. Product Specialist Capture Visualisation AB ...

4 Replies and 1778 Views LED wall light projection
1778 4 - Started by donkidonki, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is it possible for an video source such as an led screen to project light The ambient spill from large screens is a significant factor to deal with these days, it would be nice to be able to simulate that.

5 Replies and 274 Views Capture 2022 not seeing sACN
274 5 - Started by niallhannell, last post from niallhannell
Hi, hoping someone here can help me. Im running MA2 onpc through a 4k MA node. On the separate capture machine (mac M1 OS 14.3.1)I can see the sACN data using sACNview but capture does not see it. External universe box stays on Auto I know there is sACN on the network, capture is looking at the correct network adapter. I can see it in conectivity settings ok. no firewalls on any ideas

5 Replies and 440 Views Floor Base Plate in Library?
440 5 - Started by Phoneeko, last post from Floriaan
I&39;m probably a total noob and doing it wrong... there are a million trusses in the library but i cannot find a simple floor "base plate" object to attach a single fixture to. OFC i can just manually assign the fixtue to the "Stage floor" location but then i&39;d be missing the base plates in the show inventory / report. What am i missing  
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