3 Replies and 217 Views
How to assist capture from vectorworks via MVR
217 3 - Started by benjaminauer, last post from benjaminauer
could there be a way, to assist capture assigning the prefered fixture when importing
selecting the correct, lens, mode, settings via a hash that can be put in user defined fields within vectorworks would be helpful to make the import seamless, as i now have to do much manual work.
for a current project, i have to do planing inside vectoworks, but want to pre programm with capture. changes take a ton of time each time :(
this could be also be used to assign diffrent devices between vec...
2 Replies and 85 Views
How to make a report item appear as accessory
85 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
I am using an accessory for a fixture not in the fixture library as an internal or external accessory.
I inserted a report item for that accessory (an egg crate for a LedBeam 150). How do I get this organized in reports under "Accessories" rather then a separate header called "Other"
2 Replies and 75 Views
Is it possible to adjust multi like fixture like pre-rigged
75 2 - Started by Paul Schuh, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is it possible to manipulate heads of multihead fixutres like the Chauvet 4bar series The prerigged fixutres in the Library allow you to edit pan tilt of the par cans - is there a way to aim the lights in the 4bar like that
My workaround has been to place a "4bar tri (Single par, 1 of 4)" over each of the 4bar&39;s lights, address them in the DMX RGB range of the 4bar fixture, and then set the Intensity scale of the 4bar as low as it can go. And then I can aim&39;focus them as n...
1 Replies and 82 Views
How to move the rotation arrow
82 1 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Whast exactly is the trick to move the rotation arrow from the centre of a selection to somewhere else
And also how do I avoid this I find myself occasionally moving the arrow, when I want to move the object and move the object when I want to select the arrow
If I may suggest a change, then it would be to introduce a long press (until the colour of the arrow changes to purple (or the selection color for that matter)), which then has the rotation arrow selected and ready to move around.
1 Replies and 55 Views
Export parametric geometry to replace with fixtures in capture
55 1 - Started by bobdob, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello dear community !
I&39;m new to capture and wonder is it any way to import parametric model made of separated objects – for examples a lot of spheres. Idea is to replace it later in capture with light fixtures from library.
I&39;m using blender for modeling, and tried all export options related to .obj but didnt get any results - everytime model recognised as single object.
lmk if you have any ideas or experience on similar pipeline.
>>> thnx
0 Replies and 94 Views
Material is very dark
94 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-12-04 15:37
I have applied a material to an imported mesh and it appears very dark. Is this because of the shape The only way to get it lighter is to give it a luminance. This does not seem the best solution ;-)
Here is the material I applied:
and here the result:
I&39;ve used the following material properties:
1 Replies and 117 Views
Deploying Capture to PC's in Computer Lab
117 1 - Started by Wayne, last post from Vangelis Manolis
We have just purchased Capure which we need to deploy to many PCs (shared devices for students). I have obtained the MSI which I have deployed using SCCM (Endpoint Manager). I have a license file with the extension xxxxxxx.cky
I would like to know :
1. Is this the correct license file for a network environment or do I need to obtain a different type of license
2. if it is the correct file I can deploy it via SCCM but I need to know where that file needs to be placed...
2 Replies and 105 Views
Conventional Strip Light Colors
105 2 - Started by LUX2152, last post from Floriaan
I have a ground row of conventional Altman 3-color strip lights. I can patch it just fine, but all three colors are just white light, and if I add gels, they cover all three channels. How do I add (in my case) Red Blue Amber to the appropriate channel in the fixture
0 Replies and 52 Views
Sliding edges
52 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-11-26 10:56
The Sliding Edges option is not mentioned in the manual. What does it do
0 Replies and 65 Views
MVR Import with Textures: Vectorworks > Capture
65 0 - Started by supermodified, last post from 2024-11-24 09:07
I&39;ve been investigating a workflow in which I model my stage with fixtures in Vectorworks and then import it into Capture. It&39;s working pretty well overall, as long as all the fixtures I use in VW are GDTF enabled. However one thing is not importing: textures. MVR is supposed to include textures in the file format, right The textures aren&39;t coming through though. I can see in the Capture Import Window I am getting error messages, example: "ERROR: Failed to load texture for mate...