0 Replies and 20 Views
Export parametric geometry to replace with fixtures in capture
20 0 - Started by bobdob, last post from 2024-12-17 16:24
Hello dear community !
I&39;m new to capture and wonder is it any way to import parametric model made of separated objects – for examples a lot of spheres. Idea is to replace it later in capture with light fixtures from library.
I&39;m using blender for modeling, and tried all export options related to .obj but didnt get any results - everytime model recognised as single object.
lmk if you have any ideas or experience on similar pipeline.
>>> thnx
0 Replies and 51 Views
Material is very dark
51 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-12-04 15:37
I have applied a material to an imported mesh and it appears very dark. Is this because of the shape The only way to get it lighter is to give it a luminance. This does not seem the best solution ;-)
Here is the material I applied:
and here the result:
I&39;ve used the following material properties:
1 Replies and 89 Views
Deploying Capture to PC's in Computer Lab
89 1 - Started by Wayne, last post from Vangelis Manolis
We have just purchased Capure which we need to deploy to many PCs (shared devices for students). I have obtained the MSI which I have deployed using SCCM (Endpoint Manager). I have a license file with the extension xxxxxxx.cky
I would like to know :
1. Is this the correct license file for a network environment or do I need to obtain a different type of license
2. if it is the correct file I can deploy it via SCCM but I need to know where that file needs to be placed...
2 Replies and 93 Views
Conventional Strip Light Colors
93 2 - Started by LUX2152, last post from Floriaan
I have a ground row of conventional Altman 3-color strip lights. I can patch it just fine, but all three colors are just white light, and if I add gels, they cover all three channels. How do I add (in my case) Red Blue Amber to the appropriate channel in the fixture
0 Replies and 46 Views
How to move the rotation arrow
46 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-11-26 11:22
Whast exactly is the trick to move the rotation arrow from the centre of a selection to somewhere else
And also how do I avoid this I find myself occasionally moving the arrow, when I want to move the object and move the object when I want to select the arrow
If I may suggest a change, then it would be to introduce a long press (until the colour of the arrow changes to purple (or the selection color for that matter)), which then has the rotation arrow selected and ready to move around.
0 Replies and 34 Views
Sliding edges
34 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-11-26 10:56
The Sliding Edges option is not mentioned in the manual. What does it do
0 Replies and 46 Views
MVR Import with Textures: Vectorworks > Capture
46 0 - Started by supermodified, last post from 2024-11-24 09:07
I&39;ve been investigating a workflow in which I model my stage with fixtures in Vectorworks and then import it into Capture. It&39;s working pretty well overall, as long as all the fixtures I use in VW are GDTF enabled. However one thing is not importing: textures. MVR is supposed to include textures in the file format, right The textures aren&39;t coming through though. I can see in the Capture Import Window I am getting error messages, example: "ERROR: Failed to load texture for mate...
2 Replies and 91 Views
Lighting scene with materials
91 2 - Started by Thomas, last post from Thomas
Hi. I&39;ve added a material to a couple of objects (a projector screen and a touchscreen table). Both materials have the luminance function turned on. But even though it&39;s on it doesn&39;t illuminate nearby objects like it would in reality. I&39;ve also tried to turn the nits value to max, but there&39;s still no effect. Is it something I&39;m doing wrong
1 Replies and 69 Views
69 1 - Started by Pace, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all !!!
How to switch from perspective to ortho I see in design tab > view but can&39;t act on them
Thanks !