

Symbol Key Configuration window
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Posts:18 Basic Member

2024-02-20 19:10

    Hello folks,

    Working extensively in theatre enviroment, I would like to suggest some enhanc,ents, to the Symbol Key Configuration window:

    1. Can we have an Auto Reload feature, so we don't need to reload the table, upon every related change done in the project?
    2. Reload used symbols issues: The order of entire table is lost, upon every reload action.. This is a very time consuming matter.. Both the need of having to reload the table again and again, and reordering the entire table again…
    3. For some odd reason, the Symbol Key symbol orientation is inverted, to the Plot Symbol Key Configuration table… I'm not sure how the symbol orientation is determined, but it is not consistent… So either this is a bug, or we need a way to rotate the symbols within the Symbol Key table
    4. Changing a layer color, should not force us to reload the table
    5. Changing a fixture symbol should not force us to reload the table
    6. When Symbol Configuration table is open, the entire software is locked to any changes… This is really time consuming, as many time I would like to keep changing layer color or fixture symbols, and see how those are reflected in the table…
    7. Due to fact, that mostly every symbol needed a custom name, can we have a global way, to enable custom text for the entire table?
    8. Symbol Custom Text is lost, upon fixture symbol replacement
    9. Symbol Custom Text is lost, upon layer plot color change
    10.  Plot Symbol Key Configuration table needs to be resized and repositioned, every time it's being reopened, unlike any other window… This is very time consuming matter, when dealing with more then fewer symbols

     All the best,
    Ofer Brum

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-02-22 16:46

    I agree with all comments, except number 8. This should stay like it is, because if you really want to replace a fixture, by another fixture it should be reflected in the key.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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    Posts:14 Basic Member

    2024-02-22 18:00

    All of this!

    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2024-02-23 07:37
    I feel you. +1
    New Member
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    2024-03-08 14:47


    Basic Member
    Posts:18 Basic Member

    2024-05-08 09:37

    Hello Florian,

    Item No. 8 is not about FIXTURE replecement, it's about FIXTURE SYMBOL replecement..

    So I stand by my initial request, this action should not delete your custom label :-)


    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    2024-05-08 10:34

    +1 This behaviour is the single most annoying and time consuming part of updating paperwork.

    I should be able to make a change to a fixture type, or quantity. Then just print documentation to PDF straight away with all changes reflected.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-05-08 11:01

    I see! In that case, I agree with all your remarks ;-)

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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    Posts:4 New Member

    2024-05-08 13:16
    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2024-05-08 22:42

    Totalmente de acuerdo!

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