Hello folks, Working extensively in theatre enviroment, I would like to suggest some enhanc,ents, to the Symbol Key Configuration window:
All the best, Ofer Brum
I agree with all comments, except number 8. This should stay like it is, because if you really want to replace a fixture, by another fixture it should be reflected in the key.
All of this!
Hello Florian, Item No. 8 is not about FIXTURE replecement, it's about FIXTURE SYMBOL replecement..
So I stand by my initial request, this action should not delete your custom label :-)
Regards, Ofer
+1 This behaviour is the single most annoying and time consuming part of updating paperwork.
I should be able to make a change to a fixture type, or quantity. Then just print documentation to PDF straight away with all changes reflected.
I see! In that case, I agree with all your remarks ;-)
Totalmente de acuerdo!