

Personal Favorite Library
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Posts:2 New Member

2024-03-04 18:00

    Dear Capture Developers and users, 

    I am writing to request a useful feature in the Capture software.
    I am talking about a library called your “Favorite Library”.  
    Allow me to clarify why this information might be helpful. In the company I work for, we produce using the equipment available in our inventory, such as trussing, rigging, and lighting. Therefore, we only utilize specific brands of equipment when creating these drawings daily drawings 
    I would like to have the option to mark certain brands and equipment as favourites in Capture, so I can quickly access them without searching.
    This significantly speeds up the drawing process.
    I suggest adding a feature that allows me to create custom options for fixtures, trusses, and all library objects.
    I would like to receive your thoughts on this new feature. Do you think it has the potential to be added to a future version of Capture?
    Basic Member
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    2024-03-04 18:16
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    2024-03-04 18:16
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    2024-03-04 19:46


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    2024-03-04 23:48


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    2024-03-05 08:21


    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2024-03-06 10:03

    I agree, being able to manage a personnal favorite library would be handfull.

    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2024-03-08 14:38


    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2024-05-19 03:50

    please, its so very important 

    Basic Member
    Posts:17 Basic Member

    2024-05-24 10:24


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