

Capture 2022 not seeing sACN
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Posts:2 New Member

2024-03-09 22:26

    Hi, hoping someone here can help me.

    Im running MA2 onpc through a 4k MA node. On the separate capture machine (mac M1 OS 14.3.1)I can see the sACN data using sACNview but capture does not see it. External universe box stays on Auto

    I know there is sACN on the network, capture is looking at the correct network adapter. I can see it in conectivity settings ok.

    no firewalls on

    any ideas?

    Advanced Member
    Posts:107 Advanced Member

    2024-03-19 07:25

    Windows or macOS? Try restatring Capture when sACN is present. If you are on macOS check your Netwotk order and make sure the NIC receiving sACN is first in the list when you start Capture.

    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
    Veteran Member
    Posts:331 Veteran Member

    2024-03-20 10:25

    You can specify wich network adapter Capture uses for sACN if the 'automatic' settings does not work. If all else fails, maybe disable your wifi, to force Capture to only see your ethernet port and then restart Capture..

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2024-03-28 17:09

    And always check in case Capture is blocked behind a firewall. With Capture 2024 the Connectivity Options dialogue can warn you if it sits behind a firewall.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2024-03-29 19:57

    I've always had better luck just having Capture read the MA-net stream instead of a separate protocol. Give that a shot and see how it does.

    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2024-03-30 02:39
    Thanks for the help peeps. It was me being a dummy. Subnet mask was wrong on the OnPc machine
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