

Key should show the right icon for different orientations
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Posts:329 Veteran Member

2024-03-12 11:56

    The symbol key should show the right icon for the differnet orientations used in the plot. (Front, Right, Top view) Right now if I use a front view of (let's say a Hydrapanel), the icon on the symbol key cannot be connected in any way with the icon that is used on the front view of the plot. One looks like a very old-fashioned fixture, the other like a rectangle.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2024-04-05 15:17

    At the moment a fixture can only have one symbol and you can then configure how / when this is used. It sounds like you are only using the symbol in the top view. In the other view you are actually seeing the 3D model of the fixture. That's why the symbol key differs.

    It sounds as if you would have wanted to use different symbols in top and side views. How would you have wanted to see that in the symbol key - as a line with two symbols for this fixture?

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-04-05 17:47

    There are two answers to this:

    1. I think it is important to identify a fixture (symbol) by its shape on the plot and to match that shape in the key. I can imagine picking a different key symbol for a plot in the front view than for a plot in the top view. A possibility could be to offer all three possible configurations in the Symbol key -> Appearance -> Symbol configuration ... So the top, side, and front view of a fixture should be selectable depending on your needs as one, two, or three symbols per line. 

    2. If the symbols are universally usable there is less of a problem. But at the moment there a lot of fixtures that are using very old USITT symbols. Modern LED softlights are represented by an icon of a 10" Scoop from the 1960's. That means that they are hardly recognisable if you do not look at the key. If this is imporoved there might be less need for the multiple views of the same fixture.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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