

XYZ Coordinate System Improvements
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Posts:1 New Member

2024-03-13 23:25
    It would be very beneficial to swap Z with Y directions on the Origin.

    Lately handling plots to riggers has been a challenge as they often misread the Rigging point locations. They are used to the XY plane to be the ground plane (top view) instead of the front plan (front view).

    Another great thing that I believe it’s useful is to add a way to have multiple origin planes, at least for a different layers.
    I usually design with the Origin at Downstage Center, and the capture Front view facing the opening of the stage.
    Most rigging crews prefer the origin at Upstage Center, facing the crowd instead. The X coordenate should be negative Stage Left and positive Stage Right.
    The only way I can archive this is to rotate all the drawing prior to generate Rigging plot plots and reports, which is not very nice.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-03-14 22:13
    This has been requested a few times in at least two other topics. I fully support the request!
    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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