

ClayPaky mini-B problems in Live mode when patched
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Basic Member
Posts:15 Basic Member

2024-03-17 12:17

    Hi good morning,

    I have a mini-B ClayPaky grid in my next show 2023 version.

    In live mode since unpatched their behaviour was good.

    When I patched them I can't control them anymore.

    I'm on my laptop, not already connected to my MA3.

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2024-03-17 12:22

    I unpatched them and they got back to work...

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2024-03-17 12:56

    Other fixtures in the show behave properly even if patched.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-03-18 09:37

    It looks like a mismatch between the spot library for the console and Capture. Does this apply to all modes? (I suppose you did check that the mode are the same on the console and in Capture...)

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2024-03-18 09:57

    Hi Florian,

    as told I'm not connected to my consolle.

    I'm simply in live mode.

    Once I patch even just one Mini-B fixture it won't respond properly.

    Changing mode it change behavior but I can't control them anymore.

    It's weird cause all fixture types but them behave properly.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-03-18 11:32

    Hi, I've just tried it (with the latest fixture library in place) and it works for me. Have you tried moving the strobe slider up and down? Sometimes it seems to do the trick. Also, you can try to click the HOME icon (with the four arrows pointing inward).

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2024-03-18 12:38

    I replied by e-mail and sent my show file.

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2024-03-19 17:32

    Problem solved.

    After some e-mails with support.

    Unpatched everything, deleted mini-B and loaded again the problem still existed.

    I had a look to universes paragraph and there were a lot of dmx channels, although not assigned

    to any fixture, but with a values...

    Resetting all the values I solved the issue.

    I had also a large amount of mini-B fixtures hided in the show, can't understand why,

    my mistake for sure..

    The problem is always in front of the desk..

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