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Posts:34 Basic Member

2024-04-15 12:01

    Enable sequence assignment (Sequential) by LOCATION

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-04-15 22:50

    Go to the fixtures tab, sort by location (by clicking the header), and select all the fixtures for a specific location, then add anything in sequential order that you want.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Basic Member
    Posts:34 Basic Member

    2024-04-15 23:56

    Hello Florian, yes, I know the possibility.

    But I'll give you a practical example: I have a 25-story building and I want to locate 4 fixtures per floor on the north, west, south and east sides.

    Try doing this through by the fixtures tab.

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