

More Layher
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Posts:8 New Member

2024-04-21 16:11


    I want to request a significant amount of extra layher added to the library. 

    Now we only have V-braces, O-decks/beams, and Columns and such.

    I would like to see things such as: Adjustable Columns foots, Stairs, Wall brackets, Layher Steel cage wall, a parallelcoupling options, easy options to create a stage with layher. 

    When trying to load 3d layher models in they dont snap as good as the capture built-in layher. 

    Thanks in advance,



    Staff Member
    Posts:647 Staff Member

    2024-05-22 10:20

    It's in our plans to add more scaffolding parts like the ones you mentioned, but we can not promise you a date just yet.

    Regarding the "Adjustable Columns foots", you may find it (Name: Scaffolding Base) in the latest library version under the Scaffolding Parts category.

    Do note that this part is snapped at its full height, but you may then move it up and down at will. On top of that, once you use the Break tool on this object, the clamp can also be moved freely to the desired height.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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