

Save options for Plot Templates
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Posts:5 New Member

2024-04-22 07:01

    It would be beneficial to have the ability to build a template for plots so that I could have very uniform-looking plots across all projects and have things like our disclaimers and all legal scaled appropriately and present on all plots. The keys would be in the same spots, and the logos would all be uniform. I would increase efficiency when working on plots, I think. Also, the ability to export plots as a vectorized PDF would be great as well.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:331 Veteran Member

    2024-04-23 16:36

    You can achieve most of this by using the Overlay function. Having a proper template file would be great. I am using a default file that I 'Save as...' each time I start a new document. Using Import Project Content also really helps to quickly add standardized elements such as plots, layers, or reports.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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