

Feature Request
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Basic Member
Posts:28 Basic Member

2024-05-05 12:08

    It will be very usefull if we can have triangle stage deck

    It will be very usefull to add add a 3d light chainhoist & chain blocks for the preview purpose 

    it will be very usefull to give the cables thikness or be able to export then then impot and convert to pipe also for the preview of the installation

    It will be very usefull to add clamps and truss accesories and hinges  also for now im just importing from 3d warehouse and include the in report items

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-05-06 10:26

    If you know a brand that makes such equipment, generally it is a good idea to send an email to the library department. They would need a link/manual/cad item for the items you want to see in the library.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-05-06 10:37

    For the triangular stage decks, maybe have a look in the library under trusses -> StageDeex -> Topline Deck Trapezium. Maybe there is something you can use.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Basic Member
    Posts:28 Basic Member

    2024-05-06 11:12

    i didnt find the brand for the stage decks and what i ment about light 3d chainhoist is lightweight file drawing because what im importing are making the file heavy and choppery anw i will seee hwta i can do maybe i get our stage deck and send them for the library to add them will be very uefull ,also from your side you can mae stage seck triangle as the rectangle adjustable with 3 sides and will be very nice if you can make an option where we an choose the pipes because not all stagedecks needs 4 pipes that way we can have them in the report for the warehouse order

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