Hi Lars,
Yes, I agree that the lighting designer should be concerned only with the design and programm, but in practice it is not at all, we are concerned with power calculations, network infrastructure, distribution of DMX signals and calculation of weight and its distribution to the trusses, we know the kilograms of the fixtures, what the power supply they need, where they will be installed, etc. We also install, wire, repair and service them. We also need to understand video and video walls, how much they weight, where they are, how to control them, Resolume etc... We also need to know sound, Reaper Software, TimeCodes, and a bunch of other things. On top of that, we need to understand very well the lighting software and hardware(not only one in most cases). And we need to understand very well 3D vis program, Capture in my case, then you need some Autocad knowledge...
From my perspective, the less software I work with, the better I know it
I completely understand the colleague's concerns, it should not affect the visualization progress in Capture!
Best Regards!