

Filters Link to Layer Tab
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Posts:66 Advanced Member

2024-06-20 20:01


    It Should be cool if Filter are Linked to Layer Tab.

    When a filter Is Active on a View, The Layer Tab Hide or dim the Layers exluded by the active filters.

    So if you have different filters on differents view, the Layer tab follow the filter settings. Or if it's needed, you can choose to not Hide layers that not inclueds in filter.

    Thank you

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-06-21 11:50

    I like the idea. But since you can apply different filters to different views how should this work?

    It would then be necessary to also change the Filters view according to the active (light blue) view (Alpha, Beta, Gamma).

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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