

Explanation of Fixtures tab?
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Basic Member
Posts:17 Basic Member

2024-07-09 17:42

    As the manual has pretty much just got a screenshot of the page.

    Can someone tell me the differences between each column of the fixtures tab.
    Location just seems to be a text label.


    Patch is obvious as is mode, optics, purpose (text label) and filters, gobos & focus.

    Or direct me to the part/page of the manual where it's explained.


    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-07-10 09:46

    Some is this styems from the US system of paperwork.

    Unit - used to hang your lights on a pipe. Unit 1 being the first instrument on a pipe (as seen from Stage Left in the US), Unit 2, the second, etc.

    Channel - The number by which a fixture is identified on the lighting console

    Groups - used by capture to indicate a group of lights that you want to easily selct together

    Circuit - the socket number to which a fixture is connected (could be a multicore, in which case you could get a letter and a number separated by a dot)

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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