

"Strobe" Function
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Posts:5 New Member

2024-07-23 09:44

    Hi Capture,

    Understand that Capture got limitation to handle the "Strobe" function on Capture for now.

    So is there any possibility to add limit function on "Strobe" Rate on the fixtures properties, like the limit for "Pan/Tilt". So at lease we can fine tune the "Strobe" on Capture to make it look more realities to the real fixtures.

    Currently the "Strobe" on Capture are not easy to do pre programing cause the value send from console to Capture and real fixtures are totally different to get the same "Strobing" look. 

    Pre-Vis should help us save more time on site, but the "Strobe" on Capture are not especially like festival and concert.

    Please advise.

    Software Version: Capture 2024

    Operation System: Window 11, RTX-3080Ti

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-08-19 16:48

    I always put these kind of parameters (like strobe, gobo rotation speeds, prism rotation, etc.) in palettes, so I can update by fixture type once I arrive on site (or even on the fly when the first cue using one of these parameters comes by).

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    New Member
    Posts:5 New Member

    2024-08-20 05:39

    I doing the same thing also, but some time after on site update the strobe palettes or presets, still need to do programing offline with 3D, and the "Strobe" output on Capture always no very helpful on the offline programing.

    Hopfully Capture can have a way to make the "Strobe" more realistic like others 3D visualiser.

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