

rotating gobo
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Basic Member
Posts:17 Basic Member

2024-07-29 10:42


    I have a couple of Chauvet E-910FC IP profiles with GR-1 gobo rotators. The IP version has an extra channel for the incorporated rotator port but I can't see an accessory for the rotator. Is this a fixture request or is there a way of adding a  single channel rotator?


    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2024-07-30 02:35

    Hi- the gobo rotator is built in to the  E-910FC fixture, you don't have to add it separately. You can add a gobo to a frame list and apply it to the Gobo Rotator field in the properties editor. In the properties list for your fixture, double-click on the space next to Gobo Rotator. Capture will ask you if you want to create a copy of the framelist for editing- click YES and the framelist dialog will open. You can then drag and drop a gobo into the framelist. That gobo rotator will respond to the gobo rotator channel that is built into the fixture profile. 

    Hope that is helpful!

    Basic Member
    Posts:17 Basic Member

    2024-07-30 15:51


    That's amazing, thanks so much for the response.

    Cheers, Simon

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