

Feature request: Sublayers
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Posts:2 New Member

2024-09-17 14:46

    Dear Capture team.

    as a fulltime capture symphony user id like to see a sublayer system in capture.

    let me explain.

    in our use case we use layers to color every spot type in our plots. but if we use multiple spots on different truss systems we would like to have the ability to add these spots to a sublayer leaving the plot color intact so we can exclude the (master layer (example LX1 or audiance lights) from some plot views.

    the layer system could be -main layer (lx.....) sub layer fixtures( green profiles, blue wash, etc)

    this makes the plots better to understand and clear for the build team.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-09-18 10:56

    Placing the same fixture type in different layers causes the fixture count in the legend on a plot to divide those fixtures into two groups. Do you want that to happen with sub-layers as well or do you see those totals applying to the master layer?

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2024-09-24 12:12

    no. i want a simple way to group all different fixtures under a (sub)layer so every spot type can keepm its own color. so the complete layer can be excluded from certaind views.

    for example i have my main stage rig in front view and a audience truss with the same fixturetypes in it. every fixturetype is a colored layer so it is clear for the build team what type spot goes where. but now when i want to exclude the audience truss from the frontview because its obstructing the view i cant do that because that layer contains all fixtures of that type.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-09-24 12:32
    Does that mean that the same subaltern can belong to different main layers?

    How could this be combined with layer groups?

    I made an example below:

    Layer group 1 (Venue)
    Layer group 2 (Lighting)
    Layer (spots FOH)
    SubLayer (spots type 1)
    SubLayer (spots type 2)
    SubLayer (spots type 3)
    Layer (Overhead lighting)
    SubLayer (spots type 1)
    SubLayer (spots type 2)
    SubLayer (spots type 3)
    Layer (side booms)
    SubLayer (spots type 1)
    SubLayer (spots type 2)
    SubLayer (spots type 3)
    Layer (deck)
    Layer group 3 (Sound)
    Layer group (Set)

    Where the legend gives you the total of the sublayers when they are there (eg the spots type 1 for FOH plus Overhead lighting plus side booms) plus the totals of the main layer when they are not in a sublayer (Deck)? Or do those last spots come as a separate line in the legend as they do now?

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2024-09-30 14:13


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