

Custom plot annotation
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Posts:1 New Member

2024-10-18 12:52

    Hi Folks

    I would like to be able to customize the plot annotation. I would like to use this to make my plots easier to understand. because currently the only way you can customize is by moving the annotation around.

    I want to be able to insert a custom image and overlay my fixturedata on top. similar to the image below.

    I would love to see something like this implemented in a future update.

    Sytse Lauwen

    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2024-11-01 10:39


    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-11-01 21:28
    I agree!
    Could you please also consider an option to put the annotations upstage of the fixtures upstage of the plaster line and downstage for the fixtures downstage of the plaster line. The plaster line being determined by the Z=0 coordinate.
    Or just behind the fixtures instead of in front of the lens.
    This adds to the confusion that was described in the previous post, as in many plots the convention is that the channel and patch are on the cable end of a fixture and color gels in front (closest to the lens). My solutions makes for tidier plots (as is the suggestion in the other post by the way!)
    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2024-11-12 11:42

    We are constantly on a slow path to allow more plot customisations. So far Capture uses USITT's standard for information, but we will likely look into choice for this at some point too.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-12-01 08:55
    It is perfect news that you want to make the plot annotations a bit more customizable.
    I am wondering if we understand the USITT recommendations differently. Although they suggest multiple placements of the annotations, it seems that channel, circuit and patch information is never shown at the side of the lens of the fixture. It would (and does often in Capture) clash with the gel and focus information.


    (Page 7)

    If you follow this, fixtures that are focused towards downstage end up with the channel, circuit and patch annotations upstage of the fixture. That should be the default in my opinion. From that starting point I would still like to be able to customize a bit further. It would be great if we could do that for a sensible group of fixtures as well as on a fixture by fixture basis.

    Lastly I hope for a good solution for vertically mounted fixtures on the plot (such as ladders and booms)
    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2024-12-10 09:13

    Hello All,

    Follow this topic,

    I perfectly understand the goal of use the USITT standard for plot but, that make me some interrogations.

    With no offense, USITT is a standard I can read on the doc, has no evolution since 2006 (18 years ago )

    Maybe it should be time for us to evolve on a more accurate or customisable direction ?

    In adavance, thank you to consider as a reflexion, not a critical.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2025-01-30 09:13

    Perhaps the standard is complete and unimprovable! 😉

    On a serious note we would like to contribute to plots having a uniform look, so we're not very likely to let you go all crazy with colours and fonts. Having said that we do want to improve customisability. Let's see what the future brings.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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