Hi, I use to work with cameo and I found 2 errors on Opus S5 and Evos W7, can you correct that please?
- Cameo Opus S5 The library consumption is 530W while the fixture consumption is 650W. https://www.cameolight.co...e-foco/19890/opus-s5
- Cameo Evos W7 The library weight is 19kg while the fixture wwight is 23kg. https://www.cameolight.co...nacion/20565/evos-w7
Also all the PR Lighting JNR Flat Par, have both weight and consumption wrong.
The real consum is 330W and it's weight is 2,5kg
And We are working with SLS Screens, so it's possible to add it's modules. Now we are using a similar LedScreen, but the weight and the consumption doesn't match with our screen.
The modules we have are:
SLS-RDL(O) 3 - 50x50
SLS-RDL(O) 3 - 100x50
If you need, I can send you the specs.
Thanks for your time!