

Arrow to show the Front/Light Beam on plot View
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Posts:66 Advanced Member

2024-11-01 10:36

    Hello Capture team,

    On tour, a llllloooooottttt of theaters and operas venues has big difficutlies to understand the lens sens/beam output for some fixtures, especially on Flood lights like ACP1001 ADB or led plates Washes like SGM P5 or P6.

    I'm not very agree with this, but this times, I'm on tour espcially on this type of venue, and this is a regalary feedback they give me.

    Could we think about and option (with the abilyty to active or desactive on every fixture indenpendently) on plot symbols, to describe the lens orientation like it's aready exist in wireframe mode ? With an arrow or some thing like this.

    Thank you

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