

Control filters via OSC
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Posts:107 Advanced Member

2024-11-01 13:20

    Hi hive mind,

    Is there a way to control filtersd via OSC the same way I can control camera positions?

    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
    Basic Member
    Posts:19 Basic Member

    2024-11-09 05:02

    For this, I'm using TouchOSC wich sends OSC messages to Companion wich sends Artnet value to Capture.

    I know it's a long pathway but it works well for me.

    I agree that the best would be to have more OSC commands integrated into Capture.

    What app do you use for OSC?
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-11-09 11:01

    Why would you prefer to control filters rather than scenes? 

    I think it is more common to use filters to control visibility in the wireframe or plot views and scenes to control visibility in the live view. The latter, possibly in combination with motion controls (like DMX movers or rotators), allows scene changes to be simulated and included in snapshots (stills and movies).

    I would be interested to know how you would prefer to work.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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    Posts:19 Basic Member

    2024-11-15 03:15

    I'm not sure about the best way to use scene and filters yet... 

    For now, I'm using scenes only to hide/show some mobile props/scenery. 
    The filters serve for visbilty all around my views. I'm a bit layers-maniac. I prefer to have more layers than lesser.

    This is my work in-progress interface for controlling Scenes and Filters via TouchOSC.

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