

Conventional Strip Light Colors
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Posts:7 New Member

2024-11-22 22:39

    I have a ground row of conventional Altman 3-color strip lights. I can patch it just fine, but all three colors are just white light, and if I add gels, they cover all three channels. How do I add (in my case) Red Blue Amber to the appropriate channel in the fixture?

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2024-11-30 19:15

    At the moment, you may not insert different colour gels on each strip lamp. You may add this as a new feature request to the dedicated Feature request forum post.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-12-01 08:57
    This has been requested quite some time ago by me. I would like to see this implemented before these ground rows are all phased out ;-)
    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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