

Align on grouped items
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Posts:309 Veteran Member

2024-11-29 11:09

    When using align on grouped items, the alignment should not break the group and align the individual items from the group, but it should align the group as a whole.

    Example: when a truss structure is built out of individual elements (corners, sections, etc.) and you want to align multiple such structures, it should not pile up the individual parts, but leave the structures as a whole once they are grouped.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2024-11-29 16:52
    Agree. This caught me out a couple of times too. In my case it was some staging. I’d created, and duplicated some groups of stage decks and legs. Then when I aligned them all my stage legs were down the centre of the decks!
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