

Export Individual Plots all At once
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Basic Member
Posts:14 Basic Member

2025-01-13 23:47

    As title says. It would greatly speed things up if we could export several plots as individual files all at once. 

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2025-01-14 10:25

    I agree, but if you use a mac a good workaround could be:

    - export all your plots into one file (select all plots, click the three dots (...) and choose export) 
    - Open the export of all your plots in preview
    - make sure your thumbnails are visible
    - drag the thumbnail of each page out to the desktop or anywhere in your finder

    This is also a nice trick if you want to change the order of your pages.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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