

Orbiting Modes
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Posts:16 Basic Member

2025-01-23 18:54

    It's probably something on my end and I already contacted suppuert, but it feels like the orbiting behavior changed. Usually when I had my camera centered on the object I wanted to orbit around, it worked and felt good and natural. Lately this is not the case anymore and it feels like my camera is "off". FOV is 45° so not related to this. Especially when using the "free flight" (shift + middlemouse) it shifts the image only by milimeters. The orbit also is not about the object that is in the center of the camera in first place.

    To better control this behaviour and being able to lock the camera to objects, I suggest orbiting modes similar to Vectorworks.
    1. Orbit around the center of the current viewport
    2. Orbit around the selected object(s)
    3. Set a custom point, which is the center of the orbiting

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