

Creating a floor plan
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2011-09-08 15:36
    I am trying to create a floor plan as a layer for my venue. The floor is not a straight forward box so I have attempted to make it from a combination of 4 boxes, grouped together and all with a height of 1mm. However, when I look at the perspective view, my floor appears to be on multiple levels. why is this? is there a solution or a better way to draw my floor plan?
    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2011-09-09 16:47
    Are all your boxes on the same "Y" coordinate? Forgive me if this is stating the obvious, but it's the only thing which springs to mind just now.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2011-09-17 11:45

    I believe, as Robert writes, that the boxes are at different Y coordinates. You can select all boxes at once and set the Y coordinate to 0 in the Selected Items property list of the Design Tab in the Project Window!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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