

problem with prolights sunblast flx
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Posts:5 New Member

2025-03-28 23:06

    Hello don t know if its the place to explain the problem with a fixture. this when is managed from console in capture i don t know why some atributes only up until 4% but console is sending 100% of value

    Veteran Member
    Posts:341 Veteran Member

    2025-03-29 14:23
    Are you seeing a difference between the real fixture and the Capture simulation? Otherwise I am afraid these are the values the console sends to Capture. The mistake seems to be at the MA fixture.
    Can you see what dmx levels the console is sendigg nu out? That is a different view to what you attached to your post.
    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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