

Touch Screen Laptop with enough power to run Capture.
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Posts:26 Basic Member

2011-10-25 17:59
    I've been googling this week trying to find a touch screen laptop with a decent graphics card so that I can run Capture to design my shows before using the same machine for running lighting software. (Titan Mobile in my case). Does anyone have or know of such a machine, or even a company that makes them?
    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2011-10-26 14:25

    for capture find something with a descent graphics card. the titan mobile has lower requirements but really needs a touchscreen. bottom line it will be hard to combine and after all you will not be able to program on it since you will need two screens.

    so you either buy two computers and the low specs runs titan mobile but has a touchscreen, or you simply buy a descent computer for capture and then attach a touch monitor to it for use with the titan mobile simultaneously, which will also allow you to program a show while visualising it. the last i think is the best solution and has worked for me when needed.
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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