

art net connect to avolites titan
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Posts:46 Basic Member

2012-02-07 19:24
    When I connect my Titan mobile to capture via art net, I can see 4 universes in the titan DMX dialog box for the first 4 capture universes. But I can never see more than 4, so if I want to connect more than 4 universes , I have to connect a art ner broadcast and set the universes manually. Is there a reason that only 4 universes comes up automatically. Is this an avolites issue or capture issue
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2012-02-11 13:31
    Hi Yenz,

    It sounds to me like Avolites have implemented the ArtNet protocol properly. Unfortunately.

    You see, the ArtNet protocol doesn't support visualizers - according to ArtNet, nothing can receive more than 4 universes. I've tried explaining the problems this causes to Mr Howell, but with little luck. I think you are going to have to use that workaround, or possibly drop an e-mail to Avolites to see if they could ignore the 4 universe limitation when it is Capture on the other end (Capture sends it's name along in Art-Net so the receiving end could ignore the 4 universe limitation).
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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