Hi Matthias,
No, I am still having problems.
I formatted the PC yet again and installed a clean copy of Vista Business 32bit. Installed Capture .19 and that works fine, if slow graphics! Installed the latest 3dConnexion drivers v3.5.6 they also work fine.
Installing the NVidia 8800 drivers v163.69 causes Capture to utilise virtually all the processor time when I move the 3dConnexion.
Another side effect I have also found is that the Gobo Frames do not display correctly, it only seems to draw 3 correctly, then miss some. I suppose yours are fine? (You either need a custom framelist, or open the frame list from a fixture directly from the fixture library..)
I have tried older Nvidia drivers to no avail.
I have tried on 8800 GTS with Dual Core Proc, 8800 GTS with Quad Core Proc, and 8800 GTX with Quad Core Proc.
All three PCs are using Inno3d Graphics, and Asus M/Bs.
I am struggling now, as you are using an 8800 GTX OK!