

Plots and more
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Posts:66 Advanced Member

2012-04-26 21:02

    Could there be a option to select layerset in the symbolkey?
    Otherwise fixtures not in the plot layerset is showing up in the symbolkey.
    Also a manual selection of the symbol order would be nice.

    I like to suggest , if I havent before, an option to add text in the CAD inviroment.
    It works now but when having several plots and have to change the text on all it gets tricky.

    Also a Clone option when working with plots would make it easier, and a clone option on the layersets.

    Thats it for now...
    Veteran Member
    Posts:157 Veteran Member

    2012-04-26 21:19
    I couldn't agree more. Copy and paste of text boxes particularly would be very helpful.

    On the topic of making plots easier to work with, i'd love to see a facility to roll booms and ladders over for a 2D plot. If this is already possible, please do share as dragging everything around so it isn't hidden by the fixture above it becomes tedious!


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2012-05-08 19:49
    Hi Hebbe & Colin,

    Thanks for your feedback! We'll be taking this into account for the feature planning of version 2.9!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2012-05-10 12:37
    Hello again.

    I have some problems with the unit number that disappear in the drawing.

    If you look at the pdf file, it is difficult to read the unit number depending on the scale and text size.
    It might be helpful if the unit number had its own box just as the patch number, though still in the middle of the luminaire symbol.
    The same goes for the color filter, a custom box would be good.
    Some may think it is good as it is now so u could have these options selectable for each luminaire.

    Is it possible to add another tab for hockups?
    Or change so that you can write both numbers and text in circuit tab. (eg LX1:3)

    Then it would be great to be able to choose what should be included on the drawing in each plotview. (eg, unit number, patch, hockups, circuit).

    Is there a date set for when the next version will come out?
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2012-05-12 09:47
    Hi Hebbe,

    The resolution of the PDF is really really low, and that will play a large role in the problem! How to change it depends on the OS and technology you use to print the PDF, so I can't give you more specific help there, but you want to increase the DPI!

    We are adding an extra field for circuit/hookup in version 2.8 which is planned for release the 2nd of June.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-04-07 14:55

    +1 to all the suggestions above.

    Any hints on when we can expect 2.12?

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-04-10 11:46


    No such hints I'm afraid. :-)

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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