

control a view using DMX
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Basic Member
Posts:27 Basic Member

2012-04-30 18:08
    Who already used this function.
    Basic Member
    Posts:27 Basic Member

    2012-05-03 13:52
    Who already used this function.[/quote] I seek has to understand operation
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2012-05-09 09:32
    Hi Vincent,

    The DMX channel layout is documented on page 11 in the manual. If you set the 16-bit X / Y / Z channels to 50% then the camera will be in the center (0, 0, 0) and if you set the 16-bit pan / tilt / pitch channes to 50% the camera will be looking as in a front view!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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