

capture not working anymore?
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Posts:31 Basic Member

2012-05-22 17:50
    Hi to all I got this problem with capture, it's not working anymore in a show file.
    I would like to send the show file to some one responsable for this can somebody help me? it's a show created with the student version!
    The only way I actualy got it working is that I have created a new show and now all is working fine! :) but if I open the old one, everything is slowing down and grafical card is encreasing work .
    The problem might be first that I am a beginner on this software and second I haved used the clone feature for some trussing.
    So i thought that maybe I have clonned to many trusses ! but the main problem is,even if that is the issue where can I see how many trusses are in that show file ??
    If I could have the chance to see that I maybe can delete the trusses that I don't need so I can maybe fix that issue!
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2012-05-22 18:36
    Hi giancarlo,

    You can send it to

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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